Silhouette advice please....


New member
So I live in Central PA, and have finally found a local (within 30 minutes) shooting range that has a 1000 yard course. Checking out their website, I see that they hold numerous competitions there.

One of these is the Silhouette competition.

This interests me, but I know nothing about it.

Is it possible to use a "hunting" rifle for these competitions?

I currently own a Savage 111 in 7mm Rem Mag, and a newly purchased Stevens 200 in 7mm-08.

Would either of these do?
Any specific loads?
Scope options?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always understood the 7mm-08 was an ideal silhouette cartridge; silhouette being what largely brought the 7mm-08 up from wildcat status.
YES ! The magnum is too much total recoil for a match but the 7mm-08 is perfect ! You shouldn't need more than 6x scope.
I never did a rifle silhouette but have done many a handgun match .Great fun and a good challenge.
Regulation metallic silhouette is shot all offhand. Ranges 200 to 500 metres.
They did not used to allow magnums because it beat up the targets, the 7-08 is great.
Read the rules on current weight limits, etc.
Experienced shooters use high power scopes, none of that "a 10X scope is plenty for a thousand yards" stuff.

Thank you all for your input!!

I should have pointed out that I was planning on this for the fun, and to hopefully hone up on some skills with the hunting rifle. If I end up doing good at a shoot, all the better!!!
