George Hill

Staff Alumnus
While walking though the local mall today in search of a replacemnt watch battery from a jewlery store - I walked past an Arcade. I did a Double take when I saw a Scoped HK MSG90.
Its a game called Silent Sniper. Very clever concept. The Game screen shows a city scape - and in the "scope" is a smaller monitor showing the "zoomed" image as if looking through a scope at the target.
The ballistic model is too simplistic and not correct. Muzzel velocity is too slow for one... And the Scope isnt adjustable. Oh - the Bad guys all looked like SWAT TEAM members instead of Terrorists like the game said they were.
.50 a game. Lots of fun. I blew 5 bucks real quick, won the game and got high score. A group of teens was standing by watching and when I was done they just stood there - I heard one of them wisper "Geeezzuus".
Kids haven't ever even seen REAL shooting.

Very cool game. So if it's raining outside, and you dont have enough ammo money - or your stuck in the mall while your better half is shopping - Gun Guys & Gals, You now have an outlet. :D

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
George & I quote :
'A group of teens was standing by watching and when I was done they just stood there - I heard one of them wisper "Geeezzuus".
Kids haven't ever even seen REAL shooting.'
LOL.... I nearly fell off my chair ! :D
And you didn't have to clean up the brass when you were finished. ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail

[This message has been edited by HS (edited October 20, 1999).]
And no sweet essense of burnt powder and hot gun oil...

But the plus side: No "Ears & Eyes" required. :)

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I regularly drive 2 hours away because that's the closest arcade with that game. Call me obsessed, but I think being an HK fanatic of the highest order kinda has something to do with it.
Well, George, you know what this means - you rock! ;)

Sounds like fun. We'll keep an eye out for it. [I can hear myself at the arcade now - 'No son. Take a breath, let half out, squeeeeeze the trigger ...']
Killer! Killer! Killer!

Musta been fun though and based on your endorsement, I might try it sometime.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
heheh the people at Dave and Busters get REALLY leary when I show up to play "resident evil" or similar games in a weaver stance... lol or even my FRIENDS were a little scared watching me burn tagets in a full sized auto rifle game (the gun recoils and everything) I shot through 4 levels single handedand when i finished my jawline was sore from the stock. I can't recall the name of the game but its for 2 players and you each have a car 15 with a grenade launcher and an unlimited ammo supply. GET SOME!!!!!

Comment from a co-worker while playing gun game at arcade: "damn Rob! You a hit man on the weekends?"


Heh-heh. Fun, isn't it? Me and some champion skeet shot kid ( he was playing hooky) put a hurting on Area 51 at the last SHOT show. He won whatever they were giving away- think it was a jacket...

People do tend to look askance at you when you use Weaver, though!
I think the best shooter game in the Arcade is HOUSE OF THE DEAD.

Hint: If you use both guns at the same time - you can blow the monsters down in a fraction on the time... kep the guns close together and pull the trigers and reload at the same time.

Another thing about silent sniper - if its supposed to be a PSG1 - why do you have to wait to reload? It aint a bolt action!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
George, they have to make it a little more difficult for people who actually shoot.
I played this the other night and blew about $5 too, at an arcade on the drag next to the University of Texas. Step outside the arcade and you are in easy walking distance of the Clock Tower, not to mention full view.
I really liked the night vision effect and seeing the BG's laser sights trying to home in on my "position" just before I dropped them. "Thanks for letting me know where you were dumbass."
Another favorite is Time Crisis 2. I was at an arcade the other night playing that before a movie. People did look at me funny but maybe that was 'cuz my fly was down. JK.
The downside is that there are many who want to blame these games for violence in the schools. Saw LTC (Ret) Dave Grossi (author of On Killing) promoting his new book on TV this week.

His take is that video and arcade games like this and television programming are the cause of all of this violence. The interviewer tried to pin him down to "name names" of the shows and games that were harmful and the only one he could name was "The Matrix".

Now that we've got the bad news out of the way, anyone tried the update to Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear yet? :)
The Rock uses weaver and gets funny looks, but the only thing ever said to him is, "are you an assassin?" The Rock lays the People's eyebrow out and continues playing while shaking his head.
I think Col. Grossi's point is that games and movies may be used to condition an individual to killing. The military must use these techniques to train its soldiers to think that the enemy is not a person, individual, father, brother, son but a cold, impersonal non-human entity bent on destroying him. Col. Grossi's observation is that the techniques used by the military are now being applied to the public in the form of video games where we can blast gazillon BGs to dust or in movies where ratings depends on body counts (anybody see any good Kung-fu movies?).

Naturally, neither the games nor the movies show the trauma afterwards. Both creates a condition of normalcy and social acceptability. Contrast this to reality. Ever hurt anybody inadvertantly? If your'e normal, you feel like sh-t for having done so. Even cops I know who justifiably shot some BG feel sick about it. That's a normal reaction (OK, so I know one who thought nothing of it either).

While games and movies are entertaining, most of us are mature enough to know that it's only a game or a movie and we're not, in real life, going to do what we just played or saw. It's the highly impressionable, psychotic, and the misled who will, and they are the jokers who will forfeit our rights for us.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited October 25, 1999).]
Played it and truth is, I hated it. The first and the biggest thing that bugs me is the way it swivels at the grip. I keep wanting to swing it at near the front of the barrel. Keeps throwing me off. Not very accurate either. Scope motion and gun swing just doesn't feel very responsive, causing me to lose my shots. Trigger slack is horrible. On the one I tried, I have to tap mine twice because sometimes when I creep, even when the trigger is depressed all the way back, the shot doesn't register. I end up having to literally tap the trigger hard twice with my finger. Very annoying. But then, perhaps I was playing on a slightly defective game.

Still didn't stop me from cursing at it while plunking in more tokens. :)
Here I see some really stupid attempts to get past the Violence/BadThingsHappening rating. One game has you "hunting" dinosaurs with a tranquilizer gun. No animals hurt in the process, right?

My guess is that, given their slow metabolism, the first dino would have a nap about half-hour after eating the great hunter with a tranquilizer dart gun :)

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
Time Crisis 1 & 2 - yeah!
With a moving slide when you shoot, and a "hide behind cover" control, it's pretty good. Biggest complaint: you learn to watch for a tell-tale red circle indicating that the incoming round has your name on it - DUCK! Possible improvements include greater variety (I know who's gonna pop up where now), and scoring that marks a double-tap as two hits, not a "got him" hit and a "he's already dead" miss.
Best arcade shooter I've seen.
While we're on Time Crisis 2, I had kid who looks to be in his mid teens come up to me once and asked what kind of gun the Time Crisis gun was. I told him that it was a fantasy gun that doesn't really exist in the real world. I took the opportunity to also tell him that that's a good thing because video games are nothing like the real thing. I don't know. Ever since that Columbine thing, it's made me a tad touchy about people separating their fantasy from reality.

Back to Silent Sniper for a sec, that slow bullet thing doesn't make any sense to me either. Am I too picky? Maybe I should just enjoy the game. When they make a free floating rifle with a bench, THEN I'll be impressed. :)
I remember playing Area 51 with an old buddy of mine...

10-12 yr old kids would stand and stare at us- we used (semi) proper technique, stood well back from the screen, and we tore the bugs UP! Funny thing is, we weren't much older than the kids (18 or 19 yo). We'd get finished, then watch the kids who'd been gawking put in their quarters, and start to play- they put the "muzzle" right on the screen! I HATE that!

It's been awhile since I could go to an arcade. Hmm, I MUST try this "Silent Sniper". ;)

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
A CiCi's Pizza around the corner from where I work USED to be the cheapest place around for lunch. Then they put in that danged "Time Crisis 2", and now it costs me $15 to go there. Had to quit goin', it was gettin' into my ammo budget.