

I know that not just anyone can have a silencer, you have to have a certain license for it etc.

But aside from that, i don't know much about them in general as far as legality goes.

What i heard was that in order for it to be classified as a "silencer" it has to quiet the bang to or below a certain DB.

so, i'm wondering if there are (((for no other reason than pure curiosity))).. well.. for lack of a better word "mufflers" ... that "muffle" the noise rather than "silence" it, that are legal. or are maybe barrel extenders that look like silencers that don't actually silence.

yah yah, granted, if you got pulled over and a cop saw it, he wouldn't believe you if you said "NO officer, it's not a silencer, it's a muffler.. it doesn't quiet it to the legally required DB for it to be classified as a muffler"

"OH.. carry on then"

whatever though, the question is still valid.

thanks for answering
What i heard was that in order for it to be classified as a "silencer" it has to quiet the bang to or below a certain DB.
Assuming we're talking about U.S. law then that is incorrect.

There is no distinction in the law between "firearm muffler" and "firearm silencer"

"The term “Firearm Silencer” or “Firearm Muffler” means any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for the use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, any part intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication."

(24) The terms “firearm silencer” and “firearm muffler” mean any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, and any part intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication.

If it diminishes the report then it fits the definition. A silencer that performs very poorly is still a silencer, legally speaking.
There is no federal license or permit required to own a silencer in the USA unless you live in a state that prohibits civilian possession but makes an exception for those that are licensed to manufacture, deal or import them as a business.

Anyone who can legally own a gun can own a silencer in the 38 states that allow them. The paperwork is a simple routine matter (with one exception) and the ATF never denies authorization to possess a silencer as long as the forms are filled out correctly. An individual is required to obtain their local sheriff’s signature on the tax stamp application; some refuse to sign. Using a Corp or trust to own the silencer is a way around this.

I agree with everything JohnKSa said, but there are exceptions to the "anything that reduces noise is a silencer". The long extension tubes made for shotguns that reduce noise are not classified as silencers by the ATF. The ATF also says that non-portable devices that are not attached to the gun but are intended to reduce noise are also not silencers.

There are no portable silencers that are capable of completely silencing a firearm. A silencer only reduces (but not completely eliminates) muzzle noise and does nothing for action, bullet noise or impact noise.

The feds use two legal terms for gun noise reduction devices. Those terms are silencer and muffler. Telling a police officer that your device is an unregistered muffler is a confession to a crime that can result in a minimum of ten years/$10,000.

Good silencers are easy to make on a lathe with a minimum of experience. In my opinion they are the nicest accessory a person can add to most guns. Once I shot suppressed I did not want to go back.

as always, you guys pulled through.. thanks..

and.. i'm in Texas. i have seen people with them, and seen them sold at a few of my local hangout shops.

i don't have anything with an extended barrel that i could use a silencer for, but, i expect in the future i will. probably an AR15 or something.

but i do have mixed emotions about silencing a gun, for no other reason than, part of the reason i go to the gun range is to hear the bang..

you hear "plink plink" you know they are shooting a 22.. then 50 yards over you hear BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM and you know they're shooting a 300winmag... part of the experience for me is the noise and feeling the percussion.

But it would be nice to have a silenced weapon for shooting at my dad's place so as not to **** his neighbors off, and to save me money for not going to the range every time i want to shoot.

as for corp / trust, i have a few LLC's several DBA's, how do i go about it when i'm ready? lol
In Texas silencers are illegal, but registration is an affirmative defense to prosecution. In other words if your silencer is registered, you can not be prosecuted by the state for possession. You could still be arrested, but any police office in their right mind will not do so if you show them your ATF form 4 or form 1. The ATF routinely approves the transfer of silencers in Texas also.

With the exception of rifles using subsonic ammo, there is still plenty of boom when you shoot suppressed. Some rifles are still too loud to safely shoot without ear plugs. AK's, M-1a's and other gas operated firearms using a piston/rod instead of direct impingement have noisy gas ports. The sonic boom from a high speed bullet is not quiet either. Even a suppressed 22lr pistol shot indoors without ear plugs is going to be uncomfortable, unless you are partially deaf. When I am at the local rifle range I shoot suppressed and with ear muffs. The range officers generally appreciated the silencers as they do not like hearing rifles with muzzle brakes on them.

I use a trust I made with Quicken Willmaker to own my silencers. Better that you have a lawyer advise you though.
