Silencer education video.


As part of my campaign to change WA State law to allow silencer use I am going to make a video to educate people on silencer use. As many people, gun owners and legislators included think silencers are illegal, it is important to correct their misconceptions. Washington State is the only one of the 37 states that allows silencer ownership but prohibits use. I plan to send DVD's to my legislators when it is finished. Hopefully this will convince them to let House bill 1604 go the House floor for a vote next session.

My video will mainly consist of speaking into the camera about silencer history and NFA law. I will also show some of the forms associated with registering them, basic construction and some footage of the difference between suppressed and unsuppressed shooting.

I posted a script here; . I have some silencer footage here; Comments and criticism are very much welcome. If anyone has mpeg footage they would be willing to let me use in my video, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Great idea! Funny thing is that my CLEO will sign off on machineguns but not silencers...and he's a Republican.
Tell that bum he has a choice. He can know who has silencers in his county by signing the forms, or he can remain ignorant of who does when the county residents use a trust to own the silencers because they do not need his signature when using a trust.

...or he can remain ignorant of who does when the county residents use a trust to own the silencers because they do not need his signature when using a trust.

You've got that right - and that's exactly what people have been doing - no shortage of silencers out at the range I shoot at.
If you're putting this together as a video, wherever you have the text on the screen, you should use a voiceover. Voiceovers are pretty simple, but there are some techniques.

The 10/22 and revolver demos were the best. They were much more powerful than the buckmark/P22 demo. The AR-15 demo with the girl visibly surprised by the volume is good, but otherwise would have been better not under the aluminum sheeting. I think that would better allow the microphone to capture the volume difference. Also, that shot should have the expletive coming from outside the shot cut out of it.

I think you may want to invest in an external microphone for your camera, as an external mic will have greater dynamic range and frequency response, and the sound of the gunshots is what will make or break this video for you. Depending on mic quality an external may allow you to capture the echo from the unsuppressed .338, which would make it a really good demo as well. It'd also reduce or eliminate wind noise.

I can't read the script as I'm not a member of Silencer Talk, but I should say that, while caliber, bullet weight and MV (shown in the video) are important to most people who will read this thread, we're about it for that. I'd stick to simple terms like "high-powered" for the .338, "medium powered" for the AR and "low-powered" for the .22s and I'd say them in the voiceover rather than put them on the screen.

You've got a good start, but it can be improved with some organization.
While my cinematography skills leave much to be desired, one thing I do not want to do is show too much of a difference between suppressed and unsuppressed fire. Most responsible and experienced silencer users understand that hearing protection is required under some conditions when using a silencer. One example is using a high powered rifle under weather protection.

I was going to buy anew HD camcorder that would accept an external microphone, but those plans fell through before I got to Vegas. I will experiment with voiceovers on my software; have never tried it before.

I thought that emphasizing how loud an AR-15 still is when suppressed is a positive thing in this case as this video is going to be used to convince inexperienced legislators that silencers have their limitations. Also that they are not devices that make guns noiseless; something that many people believe, gun owners included.

Ranb, I wish I had the mpeg version, but it's not my video... I'm just the guy and his rifle in the video.

Someone over @ SilencerTalk should have the original video.

Good luck.
Maybe, but I have unable to generate much interest in the project. It will be at least several months before I can get away from WA state and shoot more footage.


I just spent ten minutes in front of the camcorder and made some more footage. Keep in mind that this is just a rehearsal, hence the boring background, no shave, unwashed hair and stumbling dialog.

The entire video will be remade after I get a new camcorder. The voice-overs used when displaying the photos and forms were made with a cheap microphone, but they sound far better than the camcorder microphone. This should improve when I get the new camcorder with an external microphone.

The footage of my lathe are still photos I took of already completed parts from my 300 whisper can, the rifle is my 300 whisper Contender.

I want to include a bit about the ATF form 4, but will keep it very brief and reduce the time spent on the form 1. I need to set up a stand to hold my script in front of me so that my eyes remain towards the camera. I also need to run through the whole thing repeated so that I do not stumble over the words. I need to change the script so that I say suppressor instead of silencer and firearm instead of weapon.

Would using actual video of turning silencer parts be better? I can take better photos of the silencer parts and rifles for the video. Anyone have suggestions on what photos I should use when talking about Maxim's silencers? So far the suggestions by others on the internet have been very helpful. Thanks.

Understand that if you point out to your legislature how stupid the law is that allows ownership but not use is, that their fix to the law might be to remove ownership.
Good Luck.
Back in 2000 I wanted to start a letter writing campaign, but was told the same things you are saying now. I was also told that back in 1994 when SBR, SBS and MG's were made contraband the only reason silencers were not included was that the legislature thought they were already banned. A few years later a bill was introduced in the Senate that was the same as the one that keeps dying in the House for the last three sessions.

I think the chance of silencer ownership being banned is worth the risk. I'm sure that the persons in Missouri and Kansas who pushed for legalization of silencers thought the same thing. Now they can own and use silencers in those states.

The way I see it, if I do not have the backbone to fight for my right to own and use a firearm, then I do not deserve it. I am very sorry to see that most people in Washington are not with me on this. There are only five people in all of Washington so far who are willing to help me in my work to get the law amended.

I think I am wasting my time posting on this forum about silencers; it has not done me much good so far.

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