Significant others? Try Dating!


You guys are all lucky you have wives who may potentially become shooters.

Dating is a pain, especially when you have a politically incorrect hobby. - Reloading makes it more 'interesting'. I recently moved into a 1 bedroom apt in the city, and boxed up my Loading press and dies for a few months. Santa brought me a SA .44, so I had to load a few hundred rounds for it.. Next thing I know I have a load bench set up in the kitchen! It was the only free space in the house.

A buddy's wife commented "You just really want to stay single, don't you?" I had a few pounds of powder, and a little lead out on the table, but I had swept up most of the spent primers....

(I'm looking for a bigger place so I can 'hide' the gun stuff in the basement, until after I've charmed 'em with a good first impression)


Train Hard-

Sorry buddy, but I think you're doing it all wrong.

You gotta get into it man, use the gun thing as an advantage... You know, do the silly things that you would never do or admit to doing around gun people like us. Find chicks that want to be "taken care of" or "protected". Find the kind who like guys who are "exciting." They are out there.

Of course, don't do anything unsafe (like stage an attempted car-jacking with one of your friends and some blanks), but you should be able to have a little fun with it and not come off like a nut-case.

Just remember if you are going to be the guy who "always has a gun ready".. then you've really got to have a gun ready....

{edited, due to Mort's description, see below.. I think he missed the point ;)}

....your right, dating sucked!

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 15, 1999).]
Seems to me you could use the reloading gear as a qualifier, ie, if she turns pale and runs away when she sees it, she ain't the one.

OTOH, if she asks what powder you use and whether you cast your own lead, you know she's a keeper ;).

Bullets and primers and hot brass a-flying;
Goblins in my house all screaming and crying;
Nineteen-elevens and scope-mounting rings;
These are a few of my favorite things...
You know, N8, when I started the "Significant Others" thread, this is actually what I had in mind. I'm glad you brought it up.

Um, I don't know about you guys, but I prefer independent women who don't think they need a man to protect them. Of course, this actually makes things harder, as these women are more likely to tell you that you are a nut. Whether you *are* a nut is irrelevant. Perception is everything.

I was getting pretty discouraged for a while about this whole subject. Liking guns tends to marginalize one. My own mother, for example, thought I was scum for wanting to own a gun. Recently, however, she let rational thought prevail; out of the blue the other day, she said "I could deal with having a gun if I was properly trained". We then had a long conversation about that.

What's the point of this? My mother is one of the most hardheaded people in the world, and when she saw the rational nature of self-defense, she did a 180. I say this: keep your guns and stuff well hidden while, um, courting. Casually bring up the concept of self-defense. Wear her (him) down. And if s/he doesn't see the light after months of hard work, drop them like a hot pointy rock, for they aren't worth your effort.

P.S. : I certainly needed to envision a naked Rob leaping over a railing to complete my day. I'm sure you all feel the same :)
Knight, If a gal you're dating mentions reloading for her .454, it is time to consider marriage. ;)

a) It means that she has enough money to buy serious firearms; and

b) Her family is probably full of fellow gun folks....Imagine the wedding presents! Instead of toasters and bath towels, you'll get reloading presses, cleaning patches, etc.
Okay, Mort, point taken.. sometimes I give out more info than necessary.... ;)


The same girls that like guys who are into guns, IME, are the girls who can take care of themselves. At least the good ones. They are the type that spend all their time being prepared, (they taken Karate classes, they park their cars in well lit areas, etc...) and they like the idea that they can "relax" in the company of their "big strong man"... or scrawny guy with a gun, as the case may be.
I use the gun as a qualifier like Coinneach suggested. I don't reload yet, I don't shoot enough nor do I have the money to afford the initial hit of the reloading equipment, but in the course of normal conversation with women, my guns are likely to come up. If the start trippin cuz i have a gun they're the not the one, it they don't really say anything, they're probably not the one also, I but will reserve judgement until late, but if they want to go out and go shooting then they have potential. The only problem is that the only chicks that havea wanted to go shooting with me are either in long term relationships or married. way can't I catch a break? ok well

Flip side of the coin: Beware of the woman who wants to date you because you carry a gun. Could be she has an abusive ex stalking her and she wants you to deal with her problem.
"... naked Rob leaping over a railing..."???

My God! What IS going on here?

(And Damn, why did I have to miss it!!!)
Thanks for the feedback guys. Does this count as a support group? :) I certainly must agree with Mort regarding 'strong women'. There are more than a few women in my dojo who would make excellent training, shooting, and family partners. (not necessarily in that order)

I kept my gun ownership under wraps for awhile, but I figure you're gonna cross that bridge sometime. Maybe sooner is better than later. One big factor that seems to influence women's views on guns is where they were raised. City / Country - East / West - North / South.

I have a good friend who's wife is quite a 'nut herself. Imagine coming home from work - "honey, I'm home.. Did you get a chance to tumble the brass for the 44 today?.."

If you've ever taken love advice from "The Firing Line"..... You might be a gun nut.


Train Hard-
I WAS joking, Rob. God forbid I be mistaken for a prude by any man. Go ahead and talk about coitus follies till you go blue in the face. Coitus, coitus, coitus. Anyhow.
Good advice all. Make sure you find out up front. I'm in college. I own one gun (well, my dad keeps calling his AR15 "your gun" but I don't want to look greedy) and it's at home because the college frowns on shotguns. So I didn't have a chance to try this advice. I went and fell in love before I found out about my girlfriend's deep fear of firearms. Now I'm stuck with her! ;)
Luckily, I DID choose a smart one. She's coming around, she just has a lot of preconceived notions to cut through. I'm taking her shooting soon and then we'll see how long she stays afraid of guns!

She too said I can only have a gun in the house if I train her to use it and be safe . . . so there's nothing wrong with her common sense except that she doesn't trust my judgment . . . no wait, that IS common sense.

I'm in college, but I life at home know, I commute to school. my ar-15 travels between my house and my friends house. it seems that the older they are, the more gun friendly they or cuirious they seem to be. i already have one chick bugging me about taking her shooting. and i pastors wife really want to go to, but my pastors wife was raised in oakland so that could explain things

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Beware the man who owns only one gun. He knows how to use it!
AND he's too broke to buy more, so he'll want to borrow yours! :D

What is it about the kitchen? That's where I had my bench set up when I was still a bachelor. I found that the best way to keep a girl from freaking out about it was to make sure that the kitchen was always a horrible mess! The female instinct kicked in and all they wanted to do was clean it up! 15 hours later, they clear enough space that the presence of the bench finally registers, and they've already been subliminally programmed to the fact that it's there! IT'S FLAWLESS!
Honestly though, I never had a g/f who had a problem with the shooting thing. Guess I was just lucky. (Either that, or the fact that the last time I was out on a date, Lewis and Clark hadn't gotten home yet!)

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Nate: When you find one that says she prefers, say a Dillon over a Lee, and can explain in great detail why, marry her on the spot. Word of caution though on the kitchen table, read the thread on lead poisoning.
Ken: LOL, good one on Lewis and Clark.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.