Sight options for my Ruger 22/45?


New member
I recently signed up for membership at my local range, so I'm shooting a lot more, and my .40S&W is making me broke, so I'll be shooting a lot more of my Ruger 22/45. The trigger is horrid. I'm going to change it.

But my question is, what options do I have for the sights? Can I get something better? I know firesights exist for them, but I'm not sure they are that great in indoor situations; I have them on my Ruger 10/22 which I love...

Anything like the Orange slopped bar that Smith & Wesson Revolvers have? Anybody have some websites they can point me to, or tell me what you got on your 22/45 or MarkII's?

I also have the solow mount with a 30mm red dot and it is sweet. If you use a red dot with the solow make sure it is a straight tube, no intergrated rails or it will not work.
I have a .22/.45 that I bought new. It's never been quite right. I'm glad this thread is up - maybe I'll learn what I can do to square this pretty cool gun away. It was also purchased with the intent of inexpensive training.
The triggers are fairly easy to do, I just did one on my P512, now down a hair under 2 pounds, installed an take-up screw, it already had an overtravel screw in it from the factory, just needed to adjust it. Some stone work then a polish job on the sear and hammer. Good stuff.

Rich in VA