sight for Winchester Model 52


New member

I have a friend (gunsmith) looking to sell a Winchester Model 52 target to me. (Smithy needs to unload it for another friend.) The condition is excellent. The rifle had a receiver sight installed but someone removed it. I would like an aperture / receiver (ghost-ring) sight on the rifle. Any suggestions such as Lyman or Williams? Maybe I should look for an "old" sight for sale to keep the aesthetics of the musket.

Any ideas I'll appreciate.


P.S. Smithy says it shoots one hole at 50 yards....won't hold him to that.
Which version, 52 A, B, C or D?

Get a Redfield International rear sight with an adjustable aperture. And a base to fit the rifle.

I'm leary about the accuracy claim. Are you familiar with the "6 o'clock smile" method of estimating throat erosion?
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P.S. Smithy says it shoots one hole at 50 yards....won't hold him to that.
Aye, it will if it works at all... just shoot one shot. Sorry about the facetiousness, but with the current state of .22 match ammo not breaking any of the records set in the 1980's- such a quote just doesn't hold much water with me either.
Smithy says it shoots one hole at 50 yards
Yeah, yeah, don't they all? Like an old benchrester told me many years ago, after the first shot the groups can only get bigger. Buy the gun, not the stories. FWIW, I had a 52D match rifle when I shot small bore, and it shot pretty well as long as I did my part. But one hole? Not sure about that.

I have a friend (gunsmith) looking to sell a Winchester Model 52 target to me. I would like an aperture / receiver (ghost-ring) sight on the rifle.

For a target rifle like a 52, you want a peep sight. A ghost ring sight is a special type of a peep sight with a very large aperture. It's great for quick sight picture acquisition, but not what you want for targets.

My 52B has a Redfield International Match rear sight, with a W-670 base.
" hole at 50 yards..." He tell you with what ammo? It matters.
It have the front sight?
It appears that a Win M52 and a Browning M52 are the same thing. Might help in the search.
Rumour has it the original sight was by Lyman. Their model 48J.
This discussion is from 2017. The Lyman sights were neither cheap nor easy to find. E-Bay, of course, wants to take you firearms away from you.