SIGARM's Incompetence

Dave Finfrock

New member
I'm so incensed posting this I have to make a distinct effort to be civil.

I have to wonder if SIGARMS is deliberately trying to drive away customers. Their customer service is the worst I've ever encountered in the firearms industry.

Three months ago I purchased a R93 Blaser UIT rifle (most likely you know this rifle as the "Long Range Rifle"). After spending $2500, you'd think SIGARMS would bend over backwards to help a customer. But noooooo.....

I've had three months of runarounds and everything I've ordered from SIGARMS has been screwed up. Not one thing on this order has been correct. I don't think SIGARMS has a clue as an importer of Blaser products. Nothing they've sent has had documentation. Scope mounts have been incorrect. Mystery parts with no explanation of what they are or how they are installed. If Blaser knew what SIGARMS is doing to their reputation, I think they'd have an aneuyrism (and they will, shortly...). I can deal with slow order processing, but outright stupidity I just can't handle.

I've had other high end rifles, and the service from such importers as GSI, Heckler and Koch, and Sako has always been exemplary. All I can say about SIGARMS is that it will be a cold day in hell before I EVER deal with these idiots again.

In retrospect, another Steyr PII is starting to look awfully good again. The fate of my R93 is very uncertain at this point. It seems to have great potential, but since SIGARMS can't back up their product, I guess I'll never know.
Dave, since I'm in business myself and deal with customers from time to time, I try to be empathetic not only with customers, but also with other businesses. Thus, I have sometimes found myself in the position of defending some companies that deal in firearms.

Unfortunately, I cannot defend SigArms. I have found the same problem. I've talked to one fellow there who was helpful and decent. However, all of the women I have spoken to there were rude and / or without clue regarding customer service. (I don't mean this to be sexist - it is simply a fact.) I've ordered very little from them directly, but they managed to screw up one of those orders. It took about one month to send back the wrong parts they had sent, and then to receive the correct parts.

I like the quality of their pistols. But, their customer service is very poor and often rude. I was left with the impression that they only want to do business with LEO's. OTOH, perhaps they treat them the same, who knows?
Lord have mercy, it looks like HK finally has some competition for abysmal customer service!

I don't mean to be flip, and I haven't dealt with Sig, but I thought HK had cornered the market on arrogant, unhelpful customer "servicing" reps. That is, if they will answer your letter or return your telephone call at all.
I have had the same problems as mentioned.H&K and Sigarms do have the worst customer service I have ever dealt with. I spoke personally to the Sigarms president and followed it up with writing and the issue still fell through the cracks. It took well over a year to finally rectify the problem on my $2400 purchase.

Good luck!


I've owned my 2 Sig P220's for about 5 years. I love them and have never had a problem from either one. One day I decided to REALLY give them a good cleaning. I bought the AGI Armorers video and sat down in front of the TV. Following the instructions on the video, I disassembled both slides just in time to hear the instructor say not to reuse the old double roll pins to reassemble the slide. I also found that both of them had broken hammer return springs (which according to the video don't exist on the P220s ). I Looked high and low for new pins and springs and finally called SIG to buy some. They were polite and helpful, and mailed me new pins and springs for free. Maybe I just caught them on a good day, but they made me happy.

This is of interest to me as I'm awaiting delivery a Blaser R93, myself. This was purchased from a dealer, SRT Supply, at I've not ... displeasure of dealing direct with Sig Rich
Hmmm.... I've heard all the horror stories about HK customer service, but in my dealings with them (just a few phone calls with questions) they've been polite and helpful.

SigArms has also been very good to me. I've never had to send any weapons to them for work or anything, so maybe that's where the fun begins?
SIG makes such good guns that hopefully I won't have to experience their service, bad or good, for myself. I'm still miffed at HK for charging me $8.00 for a USP manual when other manufacturers are begging to give manuals away for free.

FWIW, since I've had good experiences with the service departments at Glock, Beretta, Browning, S&W, Ruger, and even Colt, I think good customer service is the rule rather than the exception among gunmakers. So bad service stands out and deserves protest accordingly.
Well, I have only good things to say about SIG! I've been carrying my P226 for over 10 years now (and shot the hell out of it)and nothing has broken yet. The grip screws rust every now and then. But, a call to SIG has a new set in mail (free) within a week. One of these days I plan on buying a P228 (I still see them at gun shows)when my other half says its ok.

Sorry for the rambling.

But, anyway, whenever I have called SIG I've had nothing but a good professional response!

If anybody drops in the website and check up American Spirit Arms, you'll read some real complaints. The lady who answers the phone, Sarah, is apparently very nice and pleasant to deal with. The owner, her dad, is alleged (I don't have first hand knowledge) to have told customers to fornicate themselves. Poor Sarah has to answer for those complaints.

S&W, Ruger have all been a pleasure to work with in the past. Browning was real unusual. Ordered some ambidextrious safetys for the Hi-Power without knowing the price. They sent the parts first and then the bill later! What a class act. I've dealt with Sig a lot (quite a few of our officers sport the Sig as their duty weapon) and have received good treatment from them.

H&K is a different matter. When I was at their Virginia site, I ordered some parts. Never heard from them again. The instructor, Gary Gregory, late of the USMC and was once one of the Corp's top armorer, was extremely knowledgeable. Never heard a part described as a "sea critter" before I met him. He may have retired from H&K since I don't see his name on the instructors list anymore.

The only firm I really had some difficulty in dealing with is Colt. Dial the number and wait, and wait, and wait. Took several tries over the course of a couple of days before I could get things straightened out. Their employees are helpful, but I suspect Colt, with its perpetual financial problems, understaffs its Customer Services Dept.

One thing to remember about some of these firms, with the Y2K panic buying combined with the California SB23 panic, firms are hard pressed to make and ship stuff to that "Golden State (of slaves)" in as quick of a manner as possible. I've read that sales are up this year and the industry is healthy. I suppose that negative media publicity combined with reactionary legislation fuels the gun industry (though not in the way we'd like).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
In my experience, the only companies with great customer service have been Kel-tec and Polaroid. Colt was among the worst, same for Nikon.

I'd buy Kel-tecs based on their support as well as the value of products...whereas I wouldn't but anything from Colt and actually expect any service or parts later.
Please Email me with some more details, in you would, DAve.

I have a Blaser R93 and I have had excellent luck with it. All of the things sent to me by Sig (rifle, scope mounts, barrels) have beeen accompanied by documentation. Granted, I have a promotional relationship with that Rifle, so that doesn't prove anything.... BUT, I'd like to have the sprecifics of your situation, so that when I call them I can explain, in detail, how much of an ass they are making of themselves, and how it affects my ability to help them market their product.


Well, folks, since I don't own a Sig, I can't speak to their service. However, I'd like to put in a plug for the service people at Kel Tec and Glock. Both of these teams are super in their dealings with the customer world, IMHO.

Also, I have to say that the customer service people at Advanced Tactical Firearms are also top rate.

I think we should mention the good ones as often as possible. Any gun manufacturer can make a product with some problems, and every gun will eventually need some work, and that's where the quality of the service staff can make life either good or miserable.

Wilson Combat has the best customer service that I have experienced. Not just firearm industry, but any. Blade-Tech is very good also.

Bill Lance
Since we are turning this thread towards kudo's, I'll say a word for Kahr.

I bought a Kahr K9 from Sports Authority, and it was missing one mag. I called Kahr to check on getting another one, and they sent one for free - without my asking! I've dealt with them on a couple of occasions, and they are top notch.
Had a new P226 way back in 1987 that would jam once every mag. Sent it in, came back quick and OK, stayed that way until I traded it for something else...

Had one, saw another that cracked the frame in under 1k rounds, both replaced quickly, no charge.

OTOH, I've tried four different SP2340/sigpros and none of them worked! All had same problem; failure to go into battery. kept doing it past the first 1K rounds too. Called SIG, they said they hear/see that a lot, guns come in and work fine for them; just put more oil on it.

Dealt w everybody. S&W and Glock are hard to beat. And the new SW99 is too! See /

Sig has been know for it poor customer service for some time.

As a dealer, never had a successful repair/order/etc, the first time out. Had them doubt my word, the word of UPS, etc. Had them lose a gun, took 6 months and an attorney to get a replacement. All in all, a sorry company in the customer service area. GLV