Sig226/USP9/G17 Which one ?


New member
I am going to be in the market for a new 9mm. I am having a problem choosing between the Sig P226, HK USP9, or the Glock 17. I own both Glock and Sig. I love both weapons. I have been hearing a great deal about the Sig P226 becoming rare and hard to find. So I am leaning toward it. I have never owned an HK, altougth I have had the pleasure of shooting the USP45. Size is not an issue, this will not be a CCW weapon. Can any of you guys give me some suggestions and thoughts. Thanks!

Give me liberty or give me death !!

Stay alive, shoot a .45 !!
All good guns. I would prefer the SIG P226 as my first choice. Though perhaps not relavent, this is the pistol used by the British SAS and U.S. Navy Seal Teams. It is a winner in every sense.

If possible try to use all three and decide for yourself.

Good luck.

I am a minimalist, Hell buy all three and choose the best later,

Merry christmas

shut up and reload.
I unfortunately have not had the pleasure to try a Sig P226, but I own a Glock 17 and a friend of mine owns a HK USP 9mm. For me, the Glock feels very natural in my hand. The checkering is comfortable and the grip angle is perfect for me (but of course you already know that about Glocks). I find that the HK USP feels like it's trying to bury itself in the palm of my hand, and the checkering seems awfully sharp. But my friend feels the same way about my G17, so I think it has something to do with familiarity. I've never had a jam with my Glock, but I've had a few with the USP when it started to get dry. I find both guns to be inherently very accurate, so it pretty much comes down to the trigger and what you like. I vastly prefer the Glock trigger to any DA/SA pistol.

That said I wouldn't mind getting a Sig P226 if I could. A local gunshop has one around where I live but they are asking nearly $800 for it!!! But it does feel really nice in the hand.

I guess I'd go with the Glock 17 #1, the Sig P226 #2, and the HK USP #3. Good luck.
I have a Glock 17. It is a practical choice: accurate enough for combat, simple, fast, magazines are relatively easy to find.

A friend has a Sig 228 and an HK USP9. For one, I shoot his and other USPs (40/45) better than any other pistols, combination of good balance and what I think is a decent trigger (though folks who know my love for older S&W revolvers won't see how). I derive more pleasure from shooting a USP than any other autoloader. Hope to get their 45 when I feel rich enough to afford one and regular rather than crippled magazines. How much are 12rd 45 magazines running these days?

I prefer Sig decocker but dislike sights and grip shape.

So, G17 might be a good inexpensive choice, but IMO USP is a better expensive choice...then again, what's 50% difference inthe long run?

I cannot comment re the H&K. However, in my personal experience, the Sig is clearly preferable to the Glock, ALTHOUGH BOTH ARE EXCELLENT WEAPONS.

Many extol the Glock's durability, reliability and accuracy. My experience is the Sig is even better in each of these categories (note: no flames desired re Glock torture tests . . . I'm talking about "every day/real world" situations which do not include our semiautomatics being run over by tanks, dropped from five story windows, etc.)

Having praised Sigs (I trust with justification), I would urge you to buy the pistol with which you feel the most comfortable (i. e., ergonomics, hand-fit, natural aim, and so forth). My Glock 23 has never really felt comfortable to me (the grip is too small), and my accuracy reflects this when compared to Sigs, Kimbers, Clots, Rugers, Smiths, etc.

One opinion, for whatever it's worth. Both manufactures are first-rate. Merry Christmas and enjoy whichever firearm you select.
Thanks for all of your responses. I have not totally decided as of yet. But it is probably going to be the Sig P226, or the Glock 17. I have ruled out the HK USP9. My gut says go with the P226. Thanks again !!!

Give me liberty or give me death !!

Stay alive, shoot a .45 !!

Considering your handle of Glocks&Sigs, my guess is that you've been down the Glock and Sig road before... I say try something new. I've done Glock and Sig before, and never the H&K's, but if you're looking for a non-carry piece, I recommend going for the new experience.
He!!, why not buy the HK SOCOM .45!!!!!!
I understand that HK will sell you one :) :)
Size and money are no object,right? ;) ;)
Besides,if it's good enough for Uncle Sam, it ought to be good enough for you!!!!!!!

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!