Check put and the sigList. Lots of talk about the SIG Pro on the latter lately.

So many pistols, so little money.

The jury's still out on the SigPro - it seems to be having more than it's share of problems. Then again, there are those that love 'em. Do a search on this forum and you'll see what I mean. Personally, I'd go HK or Glock for polymer, or the classic SIG line if you want a SIG.

BTW, Akrob has one for sale in the Handguns for Sale part of the forum - you'll have to go back about a week.
I own a SIG Pro in 357 sig. I also purchased a 40 barrel for it. It's not as accurate as the 229 but costs much less. The gun has functioned flawlessly since I,ve had it. Of the polymer framed guns around this one is the most well made. It hardly looks like it's polymer. The frame is made in Switzerland, the slide in the US. I haven't given the pistol much shooting time since I got my Walther P99 9mm. I've only put about 600 rounds between the 2 barrels. I'm selling mine with both barrels in favor of a Steyr M9 which I'd like to get next year. My overall impressions of the gun are good, but I'd prefer my 229 over it.
A fellow officer has the 2340. I much prefer the alloy framed Sigs. I don't think that the Sig Pros are bad guns; I just prefer the allow frames. The polymer versions don't seem to fit as tightly together.
I test fired the 2340 and put about 200 rounds in it. I personally Thought the gun was great. I prefer the smaller of the 2 grips. I also like the placement of the slide lock. It had good ergonomics and was very accurate. I would suggest firing SEVERAL rounds through one first, and research info. about malfunctions. I didn't experience any. However, Sig is still fairly new to the polymer buisness.
My 2 cents two. EK
I love my sigpro i like the smaller grips also. One problem if the grips are a pain to take off i wanted to try the big ones and now i cant take them off!!! help how do i do this!!!!

Holding the gun muzzle down with my left hand, I use a small, stubby flathead screwdriver with my right hand to very gently press in on the tab that secures the backstrap, using the forepiece as leverage. At the same time I exert pressure on the backstrap with my left hand to slide it off.

Of course, it goes without saying, make sure the gun is unloaded.

Hope this helps.
Hold am unloaded sigpro with the slide in battery in your left hand . Put your left thumb on the plastic tang and as you put downward ( toward the mag well ) pressure
on the tang reach in and depress the plastic tab with a good amount of pressure and the
grip will slide off.
If you have put the large grip on it will
be very@#$$%@hard to get off. I depress the tab then tap the tang against a padded something to knock it off.
The good news after you have done this just a few times the grip will slide off easier.
I have done dozens of these and suffer from "fatel finger syndrome". You know where you
( never mind )
While you got the beast open give it a good cleaniing and get all the junk out from around the hammer/sear area.