Sig P229, HK USP 40, or Glock 27?


New member
OK people, I need opinions and advice, not flames of one gun or another. These are the 3 choices I have narrowed it down to. I'll tell you what I like and hate about each, and if you have something to add, then please be my guest.

SIG 229, sweet gun. The most ergonomically correct gun I've used to date. I don't know much about the 239, so if you guys can comment on the P229 vs P239 please do. My reservations, unlike the USP, it can't be "cocked and locked" which I like. Also, I hear stuff about it's durability. All the local shooting ranges around me have switched to Glocks from the SIG's. They tell me durability is not SIG's strong point. So if you have a SIG for a long time and have put maybe 10K+ rounds through it, please let me know. Also, they say it's not as accurate as the USP's. But what I can do is drop in a .357SIG barrel. Tada! This makes me smile (a lot)

USP40. Nice gun. Period. I find it bulky, and not as comfortable; the 50th shot isn't as comfortable as the 1st, which means I feel some gun fatigue in my hands. The recoil reduction system is great. I have not tried the compact, so I can't comment on it, but it's without the recoil reduction system right? Also, the safety on it is great. Best out of the three. I hear that the Hostile Environment coating isn't as durable as claimed. I have seen some wear on these puppies, nothing extreme, but some wear. I do not know if you can modify it to shoot .357SIG's though.

Glock 27. The Tenifer coating is the best in the industry IMHO. They are lighter than the USP's and easier to carry. I do find a tendency to shoot high due to the grip angle, which is no as comfortable as the SIG. Also, I can drop in a G33 barrel in it and have it shoot .357SIG's as well. The safety on the finger is a little scary to me though.

So give me some pros and cons about each. And please, be professional, don't give me "Oh, the Glocks suck, all glock owners are losers" or something like that. I need constructive criticism, not kindergarten comments.

Thanks in advance,
Albert, it sounds to me as if you have already made the decision, you just don't know it. The SIG 229 is the one that feels and shoots best for you, then that is the one to buy. I have had a P226 9mm since '92, and I have not kept track of how many rounds I have put through it, but I know it is over 5K. There have been no problems with the gun, I have had 2 misfires due to bad ammo, never a failure to feed or eject. As far as durability is concerned the only real wear on the gun is on the finish. The finish is not as rust resistant as the Glock, but just wiping down the gun takes care of that. I also own a 229 two tone and a 239 both in .357 SIG. I have not shot them as much as the 226 but there have been no problems with either. They are both sweet shooting guns.
As far as your local ranges going to Glock I think that may have something to do with cost. Glocks sell for about $150-200 less than a SIG. Glocks are very durable, reliable (with good ammo) and reasonably inexpensive. They are also simple to use and maintain.
My experience with H&K is only through a friends USP9. It shot great, but I did not like the slide flying forward when I slapped a mag in. It was bulky, about as big as my 226. I have seen USPCs in .357 SIG, and I am pretty sure that H&K will put out a full size in that caliber (H&K guys correct me if I am wrong). I considered trading in my 239 for the USPC in .357 just for something different, but I really prefer SIGs
Albert, I'm a Glock freak, but it looks to me like you're set on the SIG. If that's the case, then by all means, get it!

The old saying is still relevant: get what works best for you. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Glock sends new guns to ranges for free and replaces them every 2year. This might have something to do with them having Glocks! I have a 229 in 357sig and a G27 in 40sw. I like them both. The Sig will not rust since all the 357/40 Siogs come with a stainless slide and alum. frame. The black finish does wear faster than a Glock. My 229 has about 4-5k though it and has never Jamed or failed. My G27 is more concealable it has about 1k through it. I also have a G21 with about 6k and a G17 with 22K. Not a single problem. I do shoot the glocks better. I use the G21 for IPSC and finished 2nd in my last match. If you shoot the Sig better get it!
I put 5000 rounds of FMJ through my G35 on vacation during the past two weeks. No malfunctions, accuracy slightly better than the sig I sold. The slide has "peen" marks under the ejection port, which kind of pisses me off. I was told by Glock that it is normal, and will not inc in size. They said they would buff it off for free if I send them the slide, but that it was just cosmetic. It has not affected my accuracy By the way, stainless slides can rust (sounds strange doesn't it. On a 7 day back-packing trip I carried a p229 is a fanny pack as a back up. At the end of the trip, the stainless slide was liberally spotted w/ rust. I cleaned right off, but I was a little disappointed. The only USP I have used was a 45, and it shot well (but actually not as accurate as this G35 I'm currently breaking in) Of course none of them touch my Goldcup for bullseye, but then they shouldn't.
I would say that if you are going to be doing a lot of activity where the gun may be exposed to moisture on a continual basis..get the Glock, it will take a beating. That being said, I absolutely love my P229. The ergonomics are perfect and it is one heck of a smooooooothe gun. I always make sure mine has a light coat of oil on it to prevent corrosion. If the 229 does get some corrosion spots, as the previous poster mentioned, its usually no big deal as it can be easily removed. Bottom line is, what will you be using the gun for? If it will just be for concealed carry and range shooting, go for the sig. If you plan on going hunting or fishing in the rain, consider the glock. As for the HK, it is very pretty to look at and superbly engineered, but just has a lot of unnecessary bulk.
SIG P229: Pros-Very accurate, reliable, durable, fun to shoot, two calibers in one with barrel swap. Cons-A little pricey $$$, somewhat beefy slide make it harder to use as a CCW gun (P239 is better suited as CCW gun IMHO), I can't think of anything else negative... Oh ya, loose the factory sights and stippled grips.

I would opt for P229 with the new "NITRON" finish, install HOGUE rubber grips and TRIJICON night sights!!! And your there!

G27:Pros-Also accurate, reliable, durable, relatively inexpensive etc; Cons-not as accurate as the SIG(in my hands at least), grip is also to short to get maximum controlablity IMHO, and the trigger is consistant all right- it consistantly stinks. The triggers are perhaps the main reason I always steer clear of GLOCK when selecting a pistol, I personally just don't like'em; never will, no matter how reliable, or durable they are.

USP40:Pros-Durable, reliable, accurate, mode of operation great for people who handle 1911's etc;etc; Cons-Over priced IMHO, trigger is not as smooth as SIG P229 (again, in my hands at least), like most I think there is a lot of unnecessary bulk to this weapon; the ergonomics are not good in my hands. Frankly, I think that the "H and K" engineers could do much, much better if they put the same kind of TLC in their handguns that they put into there MP5 family of subguns. Until that day comes I believe that the P229 is perhaps the best way to go.

Hope my input can be of some assisstance.

Good luck,


[This message has been edited by James Montes (edited December 28, 1999).]
Greetings twoblink; I own the P229 and the
Glock Mode 27; excellent weapons, but so is
the H&K? Can't go wrong with either choice;
however, I believe the Sig to be the most
accurate out of the box!!!

Ala Dan
I have both a 229 and a G27. If you want just one, go with the 229. I have both the .40 and .357SIG barrels and keep it in .357 SIG.

I like my G27 too, but it malfunctioned on me in a big way (recoil spring popped over the rod lip which disabled the gun completely. Had to write Glock to get a new one). Still, I think it's the best sub-compact around.
I have owned all three. The Sig 229 is gone the DA trigger was the reason. The full size USP is in semi-retirement. The compact USP version is superior in almost every way. After much treasure and effort, I reached the conclusion that Glocks are easier to shoot well. For general use I would suggest the 22 or 23. You cannot go wrong with the Glock 27.

If you are still looking for personal experiences, I own the HK USP 40 compact and the G27.

Both are well made guns, and both have been reliable to date.

The Glock 27 with the peirce mag extension fits my hands better, by a little bit. And I prefer the single mode of trigger in the Glock to my DA first SA after in the HK. I guess, I like the Glock a bit better.

But as others have pointed out, they are all well made weapons. Whichever fits your hand best and feels best is probably the right choice.

Hello Twoblink:

In a way your question has helped me get some feedback I've been looking for. '

I own the USP40C. IMHO this is a supreme weapon. Chunky somewhat? ...yes... but what it may lack in ergonomics or asthetics it more than makes up for in accuracy, controlability and durability. I simply love this gun and I can shoot it better than anything my hands have encountered in the last 12 years.

The G27 will probably find its way to my house within the next 2 weeks. This is what I think of this one. Great weapon. Probably the best of the best super small compacts.

The 229? Intend to have one of those someday as well.

Now that didn't help at all did it?

Get what feels best to you. Good is Good
I own a Sig 229 (.40/.357), Glock 26 and 33 and previously owned a H&K USP 40C. I never owned a Glock 27 but I've shot them. You can't go wrong with any of your three choices but if it was me, I'd take the Sig (big suprise considering my screen name).

The H&K had a nice feel but always shot to the left for me. Accuracy wasn't as good as the Sig. I also tripped the mag release numerous times while drawing from a strong side pancake holster. I ended up selling it cause it just wasn't as nice as the 229.

As far as the Glocks go, I like mine alot but they arent as accurate (for me) as the Sig is. They do conceal alot easier but the 33 is a handful when firing. Its been awhile since I shot a 27 but as I recall the recoil/muzzle lift is similar to the 33. I'd say the Glock would be my second choice.

The .357 barrel stays in my Sig year round, it's a great caliber. I won't sell this gun ever. The finish isn't as durable as the other two but I have yet to have any problems. Reliability has been 100% and I've had this pistol since they came out in early 94. Make sure to let us know which one you get.

I am a HK40 USP owner, but carry a SW5906 on duty. I only wish I could carry my HK. Depending on your use, Hk for personal/Home protection is excellent. Hopefully u won't need to shoot 50 rounds to protect yourself, (if so, u need rangetime. I think the HK has many nice qualities, but I do feel the grip can get uncomfortable after a couple houndred rounds. All of your options are good. hope this helps!!!