Sig P228 vs. Glock 19. Which to get?


I have a choice between a police turn in Sig P228 with 2 hicaps or a police turn in Glock 19 with 2 hicaps.
I intend for it to be mostly a house gun with occasional ccw use.
Which would you choose and why?
I'd chose the Glock 19 with the hi-caps simply because it is what I want right now. I already had a DA gun, but want a considerably lighter trigger for the first shot.

I'd get the Glock because it's what I want,

AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"
I own both guns and like them both alot. One small advantage for the Glock is the 2 more rounds in the hicap compared to the Sig. You really cant go wrong with either but if you don't shoot often, aren't going to be cleaning it regularly and it is just going to sit in a drawer or a pistol case, I'd recommend the Glock. Glocks have a much better exterior finish that is more resistant to rubbing or rust. I've never had a malfunction with either pistol so reliability isnt a factor to me but the rust problem could be for a gun that is just sitting in an uncontrolled (humidity that is) environment.


PS. Let us know which one you choose.
I would choose which ever one is more comfortable. To me my personal prefference would be the Glock as I do not particularly care for Sigs.
Here's some things to consider:

SIG Sauer P228
Pro: Excellent DA and SA pulls, very accurate, reliable

Con: Prone to surface rust, must be kept well lubed, DA to SA takes practice, complicated mechanism requiring trained armourer

Glock M19:
Pro: consistent trigger pull, lower bore axis, lighter, less sharp edges, needs very little lube, you can learn to completely diassemble it in a few minutes

Con: trigger pull takes getting used to, will retain less of its value (this may not be an issue since you're dealing with used pistols)

Fire both and choose what works best for you. I love the P228 but prefer the M19 as a defensive tool.

So many pistols, so little money.
It is a very easy decision. Which fits your hand better? These guns have very different grip angles. One should fit noticably better than the other. The gun should be fit to you, not the opposite...

You can't go wrong with either, but I would go with the Sig. Glocks are not known for there accuracy, and as you know it is shot placement that counts, Sig's on the other hand, are known for there great accuracy.
I think your handle sums it up :)

I'm like Ben- Go for the 19 because it is also going to be my next Glock(unless of course there is a miracle and the 36 comes out soon) Glocks are accurate....maybe not accurate in SOME shooters a house gun and a CCW gun they are accurate enough. Doesn't sound like you mentioned anything about a target gun(although the 19 would be fine)so I guess the accuracy thing is a totally moot point.
I own both the G19 and the P228. I must disagree with the statement that "Glock are not known for their accuracy." Actually I shoot the Glock a lot better than my SIG. You must try each gun since Glock employs a different grip to frame angle than the SIG. The P228 has nicer finish but the G19 feels more durable. I believe if you put both of them on the rest, you will end up with about the same accuracy. So it's which gun you like better. :)
Greetings, My vote would go to the Sig P228.
Reason: Reliable, Durable, Accurate.

Ala Dan
If you plan to shoot a lot, like 100,000 rounds plus, then get the Glock, otherwise it
doesn't matter in term of which one is more
Glock 19 is a fine choice. The Glock is just as accurate as my 1911A1s in my hands. Don't know where the other guy got that when he said they aren't known for their accuracy. They will outshoot the shooter unless you are that one in ten thousand that can shoot better than his pistol... :)

45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel!
I have a P228. I chose it over a glock because of 1) safety - having the DA first pull and 2) Looks better and fits the hand a litte better.

I also have CT laser grips.
I like the 19 better. Having
said that, the best way is
to shoot them. If you can't,
rent a 19 and a Sig and
fire at least a box from each.

I will say I like the Glock features.
Someone will say the like the Sig features.
Kind of a toss-up.

IMHO -the Sig is a little bulkier for my
tastes. I don't find the DA/SA, safety
arrangment to be an advantage as I am
comfortable with the Glock arrangement.

As far as accuracy - for personal protection
purposes, I've shot both equally well
and both were reliable.

Try him for your personal ergonomics but
neither would be bad.
It's a win-win choice. I have both of these guns and like them both very much. But as much as I like the P228, and even though I find the P228's grip to be more comfortable than the G19's (or any other gun's, for that matter), I'd pick the Glock as a house or carry gun.

When I had a similar choice to make (P220 or Glock 21), I went for the Glock. Personally, I just find that Glocks are easier to shoot where I want them to. YMMV.
Never thought I would utter these words, but, get the Glock. After getting one I can only say it is one incredibly accurate gun and is consistent with the 2 stage trigger.