SIG P228 AND SIG P229.


I've noticed you've got some posts of this nature for the Beretta 92FS, are you shopping around? If so what do you intend the defense tool for, home or carry? I ask as mentioning this will elicit more useful information.

The P228s and P229s that I've shot have all been 100% reliable, extremely accurate, soft-recoiling pistols. I prefer the balance of the P228 (I know it's only 1 oz difference but that's just me). I also like the P228s ejection system because I'm a SIG traditionalist. If this matters to you the P228 is in action with the US military, FBI and numerous other aganecies (although FBI recently went with the Glock 22/23, DEA with Sigpro), as well as the British SAS. The out of box DA/SA pulls are among the best in the industry. With little practice an operator can make smooth transition shots from DA to SA. Check out It is my ideal defense tool for carry and home because it's light, compact, extremely accurate and 100% reliable.

The P229 is a superb pistol in service with the Secret Service and the Texas Department of Public Safety, two top agencies. Everything I've said about the P228 applies to the P229 as well. Some prefer the P229 because of its stainless slide, they feel it adds an extra measure of corrosion resistance. See

Let us now which defense tool you end up choosing. ;)

So many pistols, so little money.
Both are probably the best-crafted pistols out there. Regarding the better balance of 228, it's simply due to a lighter slide. It has, however, its own minus -- you can't get 228 in .40 S&W or .357 SIG which are the interchangable calibers for 229. All you get in 228 is 9 mm -- if you're a good shot, it's fine. In a self-defense situation, however, I'd rather prefer the aforementioned two larger calibers or .45 ACP.
I prefer the taller serrations on the Sig P228 slide for chambering a round or clearing a stoppage. That is also the pistol I own.
I have a P228 and I had a P229. (I traded the P229 for an HK 91.) I prefered the balance of the 228. The 229's balance is upset by the fact that all of the additional weight is in the slide, making the 229 top heavy. Having both pistols made this noticeable, although I don't think the weight was a handicap. If you can, pick them both up and buy the one(s) ;) you like best.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

i have a P228 and it is a great gun. compact and utterly reliable. mine has gobbled up everything from factory ammo to my reloads.

i believe that the Secret Service uses the P228, not the P229.

as others have mentioned, i prefer the P228 due to it's better balance.


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OK, guys, I'm not going to try to make it a "flame-ish" debate within a brand name (and a great one) :), but here are the facts...

I've chosen 229 after a very careful and painful consideration (226 and 239 were other very strong candidates) and didn't fall in love with it after I already had it in my possession and, therefore, felt a certain need to defend my beloved weapon in the eyes of others.

Even if 228 was available in .40 caliber (and it's not), I would still choose 229 for it's simply a more powerfully constructed gun of the exact same size FOR THIS CALIBER: the slide, as it was outlined many times on TFL, is machined from a solid block of stainless steel as opposed to a stamped-sheet slide of 228. And oh yeah, it is heavier.

To be on a fair side, I must admit there's yet to be found an evidence that the stamped slides of 228 can't withstand all the workload they're subjected to. Well, of course except for the fact that all guns may potentially have cracked slides :)...

Another factor is that I'm inclined to think the 228 is somewhat an oversized pistol for just 9 mm. If I wanted to get this caliber (which I don't think I'll ever do), I'd get 239 which I've found to be just a gorgeous performer in all three calibers it comes in. I must say, however, that I find it totally ridiculous there's 229 in 9 mm -- for god's sake, speaking of putting a Civic engine on a Cadillac...

Another hard fact is that 228 has blue finish which is by all means an older and inferior coating method to the Nitron finish of 229.

All I'm saying the 229 model is the least "delicate" Sig out there and after handling a couple of rock-solid Glocks, I started to appreciated it VERY MUCH.
I was going home after the range where I had a chance to shoot the plastic "thingies" and another Sig (not 229 or 228, and I won't say which model) and was trying to find a justifiable reason not to call my gun...a fragile piece of machinery. After I got home, I grabed my 229, held it in my hand for a while, and calmed down. No way!

It all simply comes down to a simple choice of caliber -- if you want the greatest 9, you stick with 239 in that caliber or any 228. But for a defense tool? Even after being able to shoot a couple of inches-sized groups at 25 consistently? Under a sharp and sudden, most likely previously never experienced stress and fear for your life? Well, ladies and gentlemen, would you mind handling me that .40 or .45 over there, please?...

Just my 2 c.
Hello To All; I own both, the P228 and the
P229. :) I like both guns a lot; but the 228
and it's 9m/m cartridge are the proven performer. The jury is still out on the .40
S&W caliber? However, the P229 is a rock
solid firearm. I would not be afraid to use
either in a combat situation.

Fact is, the 9m/m cartridge is available
world wide. Can't say such for the .40S&W,
.357 Sig, or even the .45ACP. This is the
basis for which I draw my conclusions. :D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Message edited by Dan H. Ford on 01-11-00
Secret Service now issues the P229 in 357SIG, they used to issue the P228.

It's all very subjectice. I don't like the balance of the P229 so I go with the P228. SIG Sauer's Achilles’ heel has always been its frames, not its slides. There are no reported problems with the stamped slides. On the issue of rust, if you take care of your stuff rust is not a problem. If you want something that needs close to zero maintenance get a Glock. SIG Sauers will need care such as keeping them lubed and adding a thin coat of grease to the pistol to inhibit rust. I don't like the way the P239 fits my hand. The P228 on the other hand fits like a glove and its balance is great, for me. Both the P228 and the P229 are superb pistols.

So many pistols, so little money.

[This message has been edited by Tecolote (edited January 11, 2000).]
i didn't know that about the Secret Service. learned something new today! ;e


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There you go guys...if the Sig is good enough to protect our illustrious cigar "sniffing" president, then it just goes to further prove to all us Sig owners, that we indeed do own the finest handgun available. :) Being as I own a 225 and a 228 (never owned the 229) all I can say is I like the 228 better - fits like a good glove--PERFECT.
I also held and shot both guns in 9mm for 228 and then the .40 for the 229, i could barely since the 1 oz difference and with a full clip in both guns they both felt very even, i shot the p229 a little better maybe due to the added weight. both feel good, to me the deciding factor came down to 1) can get all three barrels for one gun, at only 180-150 each, now you can shoot all three ammo and have just one gun, i have lots of 9mm and some .40 already, i did like the .357 sig for ballistics info but if your only dealing in home defense and plinking it is really over kill but so it 10mm and .45 or 44 mags but i like these as well. so the versatility and options for a better slide, more durable finish, and ability to use the P228 clips for high caps makes this an easy choice for the one who wants more options, if you are going to limit yourself to just 9mm and home defense then you should save some money and get the P228 it is a great gun and you can buy extra ammo with the saved money and enjoy the pistol. i needed more options for my toys. enjoy your choice.
Originally posted by gunrunner: me the deciding factor came down to 1) can get all three barrels for one gun, at only 180-150 each, now you can shoot all three ammo and have just one gun...

gunrunner, are you talking about three barrels for 229? In that case, you can only get TWO barrels for it -- either .357 SIG or .40 S&W. They're interchangable, but 9 mm barrel won't fit in there (as far as I know), so you'd have to get a whole new 229 just for it.

Unless ,barstow is feeding bull, you can get a special 9mm barrel just for the P229 for the .40. I will get it next week, and the clip holds the bullets, 12 of the 9mm fit in the .40 clip, the spring is ok and the feed ramp on the new barrel sets perfect and the slide will hold the end of a 9mm, have i actually done the swap and shot the bullets not yet but everyone of the barrel companies
say they can do it and have done it. just passing along the info.

I got me one of them coins too. Glock or SIG? Oh bother.

So many pistols, so little money.