Sig P226 Legion vs CZ Shadow 2


New member
Title pretty much sums it up. I'm kicking around the idea of buying a (for lack of a better term) "higher" end 9mm pistol and I hear good things about both of these. They are roughly the same price but there must be opinions on each.

Let's hear 'em!
What is the intended purpose? IMO both are terrific pistols.

CZ Shadow 2, which is designed as competition pistol, will most likely have an advantage at the range being considerably heavier by 12 ounces, almost an inch longer, and a lighter trigger.

IMO P226 being a combat pistol would be a better all around pistol if self defense use is a consideration too. P226 has firing pin block that the CZ Shadow 2 lacks, has a decocker, though a bit large CCW is a possibility, and the slide gripping area is much larger for easier manipulation of the slide.
I've had a 229 Legion, compact version of the 226, for a while and considered a CZ. I chose the Sig because it has the decocker w/out manual safety. And it fit my hand better. Two considerations that you're probably aware of but didn't mention. Let us know what you do.
Two different roles. Which do you need?

I see the CZ Shadow 2 (with it's adjustable sights and other features) as a competition/range gun and the P226 Legion as a defensive pistol. As I see it, the P226XFIVE variants would be a closer match to the CZ Shadow 2, and the CZ75B/BD/SP01 would be closer in function to the P226 Legion.

I own both CZ75s and P226s, and both are excellent pistols.
For me a "higher" end 9mm pistol would look more like my STI Trojan 9mm 1911, than a CZ Shadow II, although these are both darn good guns. Since the STI Trojan is now out of production, I’d probably replace it with a Dan Wesson Pointman 9 if I ever had to replace it, which I never intend to do.

That P226 Legion isn’t bad though, although I like the ones I mentioned better.
I just watched the MAC YouTube video of the P226 Legion vs the Rex Zero 1.

The Sig, which costs almost $800 more, got its butt handed to it by the Rex...

Not a good showing for the Legion at all.
I like those tests, they're interesting. That said, do you plan to bury your pistol in sand? I say this as someone that's decidedly not a SIG fanboy. The SIG didn't do particularly well in dried mud or sand tests going back to the M9 trials. The Shadow lacking a firing pin block makes it, to me, more of a range and competition gun. Not that there aren't a number of CZ 75 variants with firing pin blocks.
I just watched the MAC YouTube video of the P226 Legion vs the Rex Zero 1.

The Sig, which costs almost $800 more, got its butt handed to it by the Rex...

Not a good showing for the Legion at all.
I take anything that guy does with a HUGE grain of salt, especially that particular video that also showed up on the importers website for the REX and set to autoplay when you went to the website that same day it was shown on You Tube. He has done tests on other pistols that had problems and others did the same tests and the same model pistol passed with flying colors. Any of those tests are extremely low budget done by rank amateurs in a backyard setting and totally unscientific. He even states in his videos that they are for entertainment purposes.

I would much rather see tests that involved accuracy from rests with a variety of ammo and endurance tests that involve several thousands of rounds of ammo fired but those are way out of the budget of the YT reviewers. I really miss Todd Green and the endurance tests he did that involved tens of thousands of rounds fired, I believe almost 92,000 rounds with an HK P30 and he did a great job documenting them including accuracy of the pistols over the duration and end of the test. He also documented how of then pistol was cleaned and what issues and parts broke and at what round count.
I would much rather see tests that involved accuracy from rests with a variety of ammo

Honestly of all the stuff I could see, that's about the least of which I care about. The accuracy I expect out of a handgun differs from that of a rifle, and even then to see significant differences in accuracy even at 25 yds you have to be comparing notably different price points.

As for Todd Green, you'd have to have a competition shooter to see that kind of test again.
I take anything that guy does with a HUGE grain of salt, especially that particular video that also showed up on the importers website for the REX and set to autoplay when you went to the website that same day it was shown on You Tube.

Yep, and his anti-NRA rants are silly and unhelpful too.

Try some of those tests with a revolver and see how that works out. I guess we should get rid of all revolvers and get a Rex Zero.......

Legion Legion Legion!

There is no 'VS'. Buy the one that fits your hand best and that feels right.
And don't pay any attention to YouTube videos. Daffy Duck can post his opinions on YouTube.
"...accuracy from rests with a variety of ammo..." Those don't tell you much. Other than averages. Every firearm shoots every brand of ammo differently. Even 2 identical consecutively numbered firearms.
No firing pin block on the Shadow 2.

I do think a firing pin block was an improvement to all guns. It's not just yourself you have to worry about in an accident.
I looked at both myself. Went with the 226 Legion SAO because it fits my hands better, I wanted a SAO and I dont like the location of CZ thumb safeties.

Both are real nice though.