SIG P210 Hammer Bite Solutions


General question - What do you do to avoid hammer bite on their SIG P210's - beyond wearing a shooting glove (which I do for practice) and sending it off to have an extended tang welded up (which I'm not prepared to do at this time.) I have often thought of trying my hand making some grips with an extended tang like I've seen on some of the orthopedic grips, but never find the gumption or time to ruin some wood...

More specific question - Has anyone ever heard of an "accessory" not grip, but "slip on (?) tongue" from Germany or Switzerland that is supposed to completely eliminate hammer bite? I have only heard of such a thing, but have no details let alone pictures of such a thing.

Thanks for any insights.
L2A3-When i first shot a 210, it left blood. Awhile ago CDNN had surplus wood service grips for the P-210. Bought 2 sets to experiment on, and shaved the lower rear hump off of grip. No more hammer bite, and have seen pictures of the new model P-210s, and they appeared to have reduced that hump at bottom rear of grip. This may be another possible option to cutting or adding metal.
Thanks Zeke! Correct me if I misunderstood you - it sounds like you've changed the butt shape from what our 1911 pals would refer to as an "arched" to a now "flat" configuration, or at least "flatter."

That makes sense to me, and now that you point it out, yes some of pictures do look a little "flatter." I've even seen a couple of pictures of P210's in "Das Grosse Buche der SIG-Pistolen" where the front and back straps were almost parallel - no "hump" at all, just didn't really think much about it at the time.

Hmmm, I'll have to try it out and see what it does for bloodletting and pointability for me.

[Edited by L2A3 on 04-18-2001 at 11:12 AM]
Hello. I put some of the "Danish police" stocks on mine. Unlike the other poster, mine are kind of swelled in the middle and I left it as my fleshy hand kind of spread out and bite was minimal. I either wear gloves or hold just a tad lower, which is not good, but I don't want a tang nor do I want to bob the hammer since I'd have to send it off to be refinished. Were it blue, I'd have bobbed the spur a bit a long time ago.

Best and good luck.
I had Chris at Cylinder & Slide weld up the tang and then shape it. I could not stand having a P210 and only being able to shoot 3 mags before the sting of the bite made it too uncomfortable to shoot. I was hoping that he could use a weld on tang and shape that, but it required the building up, he also fitted a set of Kahr Novak sights to it for me. I did not like the thin target blade. I have not had it refinished yet, just got it back a couple of weeks ago, but I am very happy with the way it shoots.
L2A3-Another thing noticed on the hammer, the part of hammer doing biting is ideally shaped (chisle like) for a bloodletting. Although i didn't follow through on the idea, something lightweight with the end rounded shoved into that hollow in the hammer may improve matters.

You interperted previous post correctly and stated it much better than i. Essentially changed the back of grip from arched to flat. Left the side swells of the service grips in place, but did shave off under the safety for easier safety operation. Considering the price of sig's parts, even this was worrisome, but don't like wearing gloves while shooting. And wanted to be able to change pistol back to stock quickly.

jtduncan-please forgive a little original thinking?