Sig "P" series, or SigPro ???

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Money $

What do you guys think? I know the "P" series is reliable and popular, but what have you seen/heard about the new polymer Pros? They seem cheaper and look like they kick ass to me, but I have my doubts. Lemme know what you think. Feel free to e-mail me at

Thanks, Money $
I think I would pay the extra $$$ and stay with proven P-SERIES. I think they are the best DA/SA weapons money can buy...

That's just me though...

I would have to say also that I would get one of the traditional P series steel/alloy over the polymer. They are a proven design. The polymer was just Sig's attempt to follow others such as H&k and Glock. This is just my opinion though. BTW- I own a P220.
So along these lines, supposing the Glock and HK Polymers are much are the HK USP .40s going for these days? I know the Glock 23 is around $500...

Thanks guys, Money $
I own a 226 and a 220 in the P series and I also own a 2340. Do I like Sigs? You bet, and I do think there is a difference in the alloy frame to the plastic. But is it better or worse? It depends on what you like. I admit I am a traditionalist so I like the feel of the alloy better. I also like the visual appearance of the P series. As for shooting, the 2340 and my 226 are equal. Yes, they do feel different, but the holes end up about the same place. I think the 2340's trigger is better than all of them. It is also more comfortable to shoot. I have small hands and the small version grip fits my hand very well. As for reliability, I can't say. None of them have EVER givne me a failure to feed or eject.
I also own a Glock 23 (gawd, I hope my wife doesn't read this) and sold my USP Compact in 40 S&W. The 2340 is much better than the Glock and somewhat better the HK. The HK was good shooting, but pins kept falling out whenever I cleaned it. But, keep in mind the 2340 is larger than any of them. I do not rate it as a concealable. If that is what you are looking for, go with the 229. Different guns, different missions. I know the 2340 has not been a good seller in the U.S., but I don't know why.
Can fully understand the temptation to buy a polymer Sig pistol. Very nice and contemporary design. Here's the deal though, this is a good first attemp in Sig's part trying to make a polymer pistol, but it fell short. These pistols do not have the same quality that the "P" series has. Not that they are cheap or anything like that, but the feel of this gun and it accuracy fall short of Sig's benchmark performance. If you are serious about a polymer pistol, go with Glock, HK or Walthers. And if you are REALLY serious about your pistols, get a Sig P series pistol, simply the BEST.

Tupperware belongs in the kitchen!

I own a 226 and a 2340. I'll admit I was a little worried after my first couple of outings at the range with my 2340. It failed to go into full battery 6 times in 300 rounds. I've put another 350 rounds through it since, and am having zero problems. I'm not sure what to attribute my initial problems to. Could have been limp wristing, under powered ammo, etc.

As far as accuracy, this gun is just as accurate as my 226. I've been VERY pleased.

It does feel a little different than my 226, but I like it.

I still have a few mixed feelings. I want to give this gun a chance. So for now, It's a keeper for me.

You can't lose with a P series gun...


[This message has been edited by AKrob (edited November 23, 1999).]
It's a question of taste and money. I have used the classic Sig's enough not to be
amazed by them any longer. They are good,
well made but cost more. I have used ( and
observed a fleet of 65 SigPro's) for about
5 months now and no major problems, other
than the slide rusting on some unkept weapons.
( yeah you got to clean them, leo's )
Either way enjoy your new gun!
I own numerous P series Sigs and a Sig Pro and I personally prefer the P series. P series guns cost more but "feel" better to me and hicaps are available. The Pro series is less expensive but no hicaps are available (unless your LEO). The new Nitron (Sig Pro)finish is tougher than the Sig standard blue or the K-Kote. All in all though, both are reliable, accurate firearms so neither one is a bad choice.

I should have my sigpro .40 tomorrow. ill let ya know how mine shoots. Im sure ill be at the range alot on my 4 days off this weekend !



TIM : )
Greetings Money, I would have to agree with
my friend, Mr. James Montes. Spend a few
extra buck's and stay with the "P" series.

Ala Dan
I'd like to follow up on my previous response...

I just got back from the range, and put another 100 rounds through my 2340. I experienced 2 malfunctions: failure to go into full battery and slide locking with half empty magazine.

With that said, definitely stick with the P series. I think I'll be selling my 2340.

BTW, I shot an HK USP compact .40 at the range just now. I was impressed. The gun felt great in my hand. I'll be starting another thread...

FWIW November/December American Rifleman has an article on SIG Arms pistols. Benchrested the 40SW P2340 got the worst groups, 5+ with a couple of loads.

So many pistols, so little money.
Most likely, the poor benchrest results are from the flex in the sigpro polymer frame. This is pretty common.

I've shot the sigpro and it is just as accurate as a p226. As long as you lube it correctly, it works great.
My sig pro useing speer 357sig loads at 25 yards get about 2 to 3in groups at 25 yards?
I am a good shooter so that may be it? I think the gun shoots bettert thow. Am i one of the luck guys that got a good gun?
As i said i would post my results from the range with my new 2340. So what can i say about it ?

400 rounds with perfect reliability and accuracy !

The owner of the shooting range i go to is a sig aurmor. When i was interested in buying one he praised them. He swore to me they shot as well as his 229. I can honestly say it does. Ive shot the bejeeseus out of the 229 and the 2340 is as accurate and as reliable. Its hard to tell the thing is plastic. I inspected the gun to see what its made of. The slide rails on this thing are huge and the workmanship is excellent. i was kind of worried about a polymer framed pistol when i bought it but now i sleep easy. It is truly a sig that belongs in the ranks with its forefathers. I would reccomend it highly. I have had nothing but a great experience with it.

We checked to see if the gun would accept 229 mags. the mags fit well but im not sure if they will work. I havent tried to shoot with the mags but it looks so close one would thik the only diffrence is the plastic cap at the bottom of the 2340 mag. Maybe BOBO could shed some light on that.

Money $ Buy'll love it !

TIM : )
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