sig or kimber


New member
need some help guys.i have decided to get a kimber pro carry or sig 220,price isnt an issue but accuracy and reliabilty is,i dont know anyone who has owned either so i need some help, thanks
I have a Kimber Pro-Carry SLE and love it very accurater and reliable. Would go with that one buts its your decision..


[Edited by shooter.45 on 02-15-2001 at 07:00 PM]
I've been agonizing over basicly the same two choices. I just bought a SIG 220 today. Unfortunately I can't pick it up until March 5th, due to some state laws. In my research, both appear to be fine guns. I already own a full size 1911 and was torn between getting something similar or different. Different won out.

Try a search on both guns. The SIG 220 has fewer comments, but most are very positive. The Kimber has more results and the opinions are equally positive.

Aside from choosing something different my other reasons were:

SIG would probably be more reliable.
It felt better in my hand.
I got a good deal on a used 220 that appeared to be brand new.

I don't think you can go wrong with either. Try both if you can. Good luck.
I'm a Sig fan myself but IMHO I prefer full size 5 in. barrels out of 1911's. Shorter barrels adversely affect the effectiveness of this slow moving bullet more than any other cartridge. Then, you'd have to go to +P to retain its performance and with Sigs muzzle flip is already more pronounced than 1911s.

I think thats why I'm still not convinced by short barreled .45s like the Glock 30.
SIGs are nice, but I personally like the grip angle of the 1911s better and I have had nothing but great experiences with Kimbers.
Kimber vs. Sig

Both are superb guns. Depends on your preference of DA/SA or SA guns. Keep in mind that Kimber has just introduced a steel framed Pro-Carry model if you are worried about long term wear. Take care and stay safe.
If cost isn't a consideration, I'd wait a month or so and pick up a NIB Stainless P220. It's a full 10oz heavier than the alloy framed P220, this extra weight would serve to make recoil more managable.
Watching cops and civilians on the ranges around here (one public, two private, one commercial, 4 LE) the SIG is the more reliable of the two, less ammo/mag sensitive. Both are good enough, the Kimbers (and SAs) just seem more likely to be particular over what ammo mags they work best with. This Kimber/SA likes Wislon mags, that one does not. This one likes Gold Dot, that one does not, etc.

The avg 220 shooter is as good as the avg 1911 shooter, but the guys who work at it with the 1911 have an edge in shooting tighter faster. Most of the 1911 shooters think that is the edge that counts. The better 220 shooters are not that far behind, think the reliability is the edge that counts. More cops w the 1911s than 220s carried as approved options. The Glock 9/40/357s dominate as std issue, and some of the best shooters are happy/stick with them.

No best here, just what's best for you?
I had the same dilema. I went for the Kimber and a SS Gold Match to boot. I would still like to have a Sig 220 with K-kote and nite sites. I made the right descision.
I'm the kind of person who likes to have one of everything, so naturally, I'd recommend the P220. I know it's best to become familiar with one type of trigger system, but it's nice to have a change once in a while. I've had a P220 for four years and it's never once burped at anything I feed it. Utterly reliable and accurate too.

Not to say that the Kimber is a bad gun, They just serve different purposes. It's one of the better packages if you carry, but if you want a range gun, get the Sig.

I didn't realize what Desert_Seagull was talking about until I picked up a copy of the May issue of Combat Handguns. I saw the pic of the SS P220 on the cover and started to drool. This will well worth checking out!

>>To me, theres no choice to be made. Its like asking "corvette or ferrari?"<<

Oh get's more like asking, "Porsche Boxster or Dodge Viper?"
I have a Sig P220 in .45 ACP. I 've put 800 rounds through it so far and have not had one malfunction. The so far has been a combination of JHP's & FMJ's. Super accurate gun. I don't own a Kimber so I can't comment on that side of the equation. If you need more insight into the P220 check out Ask the same question there and you will be able to here from a dozen or more people with a ton of experience with the P220, and probably the Kimber as well. Good luck.
I own both a Kimber Ultra CDP and a SIG 220. To me, it comes down to do you want a 1911 style or the double/single action of the SIG? Both of mine are very nice. My SIG has the edge on reliability (3 jams on the Kimber, 0 for the SIG) and my wife (who doesn't care much for guns) can shoot the lights out of a target with it. The Kimber kicks a tad more.

If cost is a factor, you'll likely get the SIG cheaper.

If I had to keep just one, it would be the SIG. The Kimber is prettier, but that isn't why you own a weapon.
Both great guns. I shot both for a long time, and the Sig 220 won out, and demoted the 1911 from its place as family defense gun. Super reliable, light, easy to point, double first shot etc.

Now don't get me wrong, I haven't sold my target 1911, or my carry size either, but the Sig my favorite.
Just 'cause SOMEONE has to ask....

...have you looked at or tried the Glock 21, 30, or 36? If reliability is at the top of your criteria then you won't get any better than Glock. But, they aren't for everyone. Their grips can be a little on the fat side (except for the 36), and the grip angle is different from pretty much any other firearm.

Thought I'd toss that out there for you, just to help in clearing things up. :D