Sig Academy Training Review


New member
Returned yesterday from a 4 hour skill builder course at the Sig Academy. I took the intermediate level "Skill Builder Pistol at Night". Don't let the title of the course fool you as Night has nothing to do with this course they simply use the word Night to designate between day and evening courses.

So here I am all phsyced about using a flashlight in a controled low light training envionment and well I was suprised to find out that I was mistaken. I have politely mentioned the confusion and they were more than recpetive of my suggestion.

My only other gripe is the super light 125 GR Speer lawman 40 s&w frangible ammo they require you to use on the indoor range. My G27 shoots POA to POI with 180 GR and 165 GR loads but this stuff was leaving something to be desired.

Notwithstanding the above I will review the training I recieved instaed of the training I was expecting to recieve......

Our instructor was Dillon. I won't use last names on a forum but he is a current NH LEO and an instructor for sig. He had a fantastic attitude and was encouraging to say the least.

I won't be able to remember his names for all of the Drills however we did the following

Multiple Target Engagments
Movment to a stopping point drawing and firing
Movement while firiing (in all directions by comand)
Movement While firing with a reload
Multiple target engagments with a reload
Draw engage 5 targets two times each with a reload in 5 seconds (I was in the high sixes for my best time on this one)
The 12345 Drill as he called it (Shoot the first target once second twice etc etc)
Then we did 123454321 Obviously those drills required a reload or two depending on your gun.

The whole time he would stop us coach us up on something and generally let us work. I will say that nothing he taught was a new concept however he was able to point out a few things I didn't realize I was doing or thought I was doing to a lesser extent.

There was a little more focus on shooting tight groups than I would have prefered but everyone in the group had different objectives. My personal considerations are only defensive therefore Good hits are good hits in my book.

Overall I found being in the presence of an Expert very helpful and I highly enjoyed the expirence I ended up having. I will be returing with my own frangible ammo that hits closer to point of aim in my gun.

Regards, Vermonter