sig 239 trigger pull


New member
A friend just purchased a new Sig 239 which, in my opinion, has a very heavy single action pull. I like the gun and would buy one if it had a better trigger. Do you think that it will lighted up after a number of rounds have been fired or is there something in the way of springs I can replace? Any suggestion would be appreciated as this is a really great little nine and I would like to have one.
So you must really hate the double action pull. I would think the single action pull should be in the 4-5 lb range. Is it heavier than that?
Yes the trigger will lighten up pretty quickly. Same issue when I first get mine but after a couple 100 rounds down range it's great. I wouldn't mess with anything until he's had a couple good range sessions. If then it's still heavy you can get a Wolff hammer spring, $5. I wouldn't go below 16lbs (factory is 18). Below 16 are many who report light hammer strikes.
The single action on mine is very smooth but it's seen thousands of rounds and thousands of dry fires. As with most manufacturers I would look for an older one. I paid $427 NIB delivered for mine, that's how long I've had it. ;)
Yes, it will smooth up a little...let him put a few hundred rounds thru it ...

but at some point he should learn how to strip it down to a bare frame..and check the amount of grease there is on the hammer strut / main spring...( sometimes out of the factory - they don't lube it properly in my view ) ...and just cleaning and lubing it properly, can improve it significantly.