sig 2340 rubber grips


New member
Does anyone know where I can get a pair besides sig. I tried them and they are out of them!! My gun only came with the plastic!!
Well, I have some experience with the p230/232 line, and the Sig-Grips and Hogue grips are almost identical.

So, you might look at Hogue.


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
Do you mean the interchangable grip that should come stock with a new sigpro 2340? Mine came with two interchangeable grips, one stippled plastic (smaller) and a smooth rubber-type (larger). I prefer the smaller plastic one with the stippling. I haven't found any aftermarket grips from hogue, etc. for the sigpro yet. Hope this helps!
The sigpro comes with many options already. Unfortunatly, grips are limited to 2 choices.

If you want extra grips other than the ones that came with the gun you are going to have a hard time. I have yet to find a manufacturer of grips for the plastic sigs.

Im pleased with the plastic one that came with mine (dont like that flat rubber, too thick) but still would like to have more options.

I cant find a laser to replace the guide rod either. Guess ill have to wait for that.

The Sigpro is still a fairly new gun. Hopefully we'll have more options in the near future. If you find out before I do, please let me know !

Tim :)

Why dont you get rid of that nickel plated sissy pistol and get yourself a glock. :::Tommy Lee Jones:::
Wait, your gun only came with the plastic? no rubber grip was in the case?

I hope you bought the gun used. Otherwise you may have been shortchanged. If you like the rubber grips and would like to buy a set ill be glad to sell you mine for next to nothing. Keep in mind I have big hands and i still find myself stretching for the mag release. These grips are thick Thick THICK !

Tim :)

Why dont you get rid of that nickel plated sissy pistol and get yourself a glock. :::Tommy Lee Jones:::
Got the gun new it is a Law Enforcement one came with 3 mags and finish is blue line series!! did not come with extra grip and called sig and they said it should not have but ended up talking to Aldora in Customer Service and she found one for me and is shipping it !! she was great. If anyone has to order anything or has probs talk with her!!

Thanks :D
Blue line series? Please tell.

Wow, it came with 3 mags? I got mine from R-Guns in IL. which promised 2 mags and only got 1. They really suck. They had the worst customer service ive ever seen. Anyway, I love the gun but wish i would have purchased it somewhere else. I would love to have gotten good service and 3 MAGS !

Tim :)

Why dont you get rid of that nickel plated sissy pistol and get yourself a glock. :::Tommy Lee Jones:::
Heard it had a speacial finish on it !! and the hard case it came with is Blue with big letters Law Enforcement on it. My dealer had it in his case he was only suppose to sell it to law enforcement Oh well Got lucky I guess. Thats why it came with 3 mags but they are all 10 rd. ?? weird?
I just sold my sig 2340 to a pawn shop in Farmington, New Mexico whose phone number is (505) 326-7296. The smaller stippled grip is installed, and I am sure they would be willing to sell you the extra larger grip. The gun is in excellent ++ condition. The owner is honest and they stock more guns than almost any gun shop I have been to.