I rented a Sig 220 this weekend at a local shop with an indoor range. I only bought one box of ammo (Blazer) to shoot, and during the 50 rds the slide failed to lock all the way forward about 5 times. It got stuck approximately 2 mm from lockup. I could push the slide the rest of the way to lockup without too much difficulty. It was my first time firing a .45, but the recoil didn't seem any worse than firing my Glock 23. Different, yes, but not worse. More like a push instead of a pop. So, is this just a poorly maintained Sig, a bad batch of ammo, or was I limp-wristing? BTW, if I was limp-wristing, the Sig would have to be a lot more sensitive to it than my Glock, since I have never had any problems with it. Also, after the first problem, I was concentrating on a firm grip in case that was the problem. The guy at the store said that he had tried the Sig the week before without any problems. Thanks in advance for helping a newbie.