Sig 220 or Glock 21 ??

I'm probably biased but I'd get the G21. I've had only a tiny bit of experience with the Sig but the G21 is one fine sidearm. I feel confident that it'll go bang every time I pull the trigger and it just feels comfortable in my hand. I wish I had a spare $500 bucks or so laying around so I could get a second G21.
I guess I'm just a traditional SA/DA kinda guy. Tried SA's (1911's) but couldn't keep one. Everytime I'd try to pull the trigger nothin' would happen (damn safety). Tried the GRAY AREA Glock 21 (it's not a double action, it's not a single action, what the heck is it?). It's a holstered pistol and I'm not a holster kind of guy. That spelled it's demise. 99.99% of the time LEO's have their pistols holstered. The Glock fits right in. A civilian shoves his pistol under a pillow, in a night stand, in a un-holstered fanny pack, under a truck seat, in a tackle box or in the waistband. That's where a Glock doesn't fit. A twelve pound first trigger pull is a safety feature I need. That's why I like traditional double actions. I had my first P-220 in the early nineties, thought I needed something else, God knows how many 45's later I just bought a new Sig P-220. Albeit pricey, stone cold reliable, lightweight, not really large(about the size of a lightweight commander), durable enough for me (durability is over-rated), and PRECISION ENGINEERING justs makes you feel proud to hold it. In my eyes, it's a special pistol. Just my thoughts, J. Parker
Hey guys I have both of these and I would recomend you shoot them both. My 21 is nice. My SIG 220 is nicer:)
The 21 is very soft shooting,the 220 has a little bit more flip to it. Not much though. They are both very accurate at 25yrds and closer. The edge would go to the SIG though. Not by much. They both feed everything you give them.
The SIG fits MY hand better than my 21. The 21 fits me too,I have a big hand.
They are both the pinacle of .45 pistols of the non-1911 type. If you have to have one trigger pull the Glock has the advantage. But the SIG has the BEST DA trigger pull of any production handgun IMO.
I am used to the SA trigger of 1911's. However the DA to SA transistion on my SIG is so smooth it doesn't even matter to me anymore. The SIG takes some getting used to if your used to one trigger pull. The double action pull of a SIG is not a problem at self defense ranges.
It's not hard with practice to draw from a holster and fire DA first shot and put it on target every time.
The reason I'am covering the whole DA/SA trigger thing is way to many people put to much stock in having one trigger pull all the time. This seems to be the only problem people have with SIG'S.
If you want to ever carry the gun get the SIG 220. The 21 and 220 may look close in size but the 21 is THICK!!!
The SIG can be carried with the proper holster. It is only slighty wider than a 1911 and it's splitting hairs. Compare them. The 21 is very hard to conceal,I've tried and can't manage to do it well. Maybe it's time for a diet.:)
E Mail me if you have any more questions at

I have owned both pistols. The 220 was completely reliable but had a heavy DA first shot. I put Hogue finger groove grips on it and it fit me like a glove. It was very accurate. It did recoil more than my G21.

The G21 is a pussy cat when it comes to recoil. I had difficulties in extended shooting sessions when my hands became sweaty so I put a Brooks Tactical Agrip on it. It has a wonderful trigger that is the same every time. All my shots go right where I want them. The grip is on the large side and some do find it a bit too big for them.

As far as life expectancy goes, I have little doubt that the 220 would last as long as the G21 would. That said, unless you shoot a couple thousand rounds a month, they both should outlast you.

I miss my 220 and I will get another one someday. To get dow to the nitty gritty they are both excellent pistols and I would and have trusted my life to both of them. Try both if you can and get the one that suits you the best. If you can, I would suggest getting both. There is nothing like appreciating the finer things in life. And let me tell you, the G21 and 220 are two of the finer pistols you will find.
I've picked both. Depending on type of use, you may be able to draw some significant differences between the two.

In my opinion the Glock's appearance is more wear resistant, it's ugly new and still ugly well used. I doubt many would object to a Glock brushing against a tree, whereas a SIG brushing a tree is a cause for inspection.

The SIG is more compact, so for concealed carry purposes it may have an advantage over the Glock. Depends on the size of the person attempting to coceal it though. I like the SIG sites better, but I like the polygonal rifled barrel of the Glock for velocity and ease of maintenance. Capacity also goes to the Glock. Both of these pistols are very accurate with the SIG being accurate with a larger variation of loads, at least in my experience. I find the Glock easier to shoot rapidly, due to a lower bore axis. The SIG's single-action trigger pull is better than the Glock's Safeaction pull, but the Glock's Safeaction pull is superior to the SIG's double-action pull. Blah, blah, blah...

Get both. Make the SIG your "fair weather" gun and the Glock your workhorse.

I have both, the grips are very very different, so between the two, which feels better to you? For me, each has performed without malfunction. The 21 however has been tricked out a bit with a comped barrel, #3.5 connector, and an Optima 2000, so comparing the two shooting wise would be unfair. The SIG shoots great with no mods other than 8-round followers installed in the factory mags and I'm sure the 21 would have shot great too in stock configuration as all my other Glocks have.
Not a question of better gun; the Sig fits my hand and the Glock is too big. YMMV
Another vote for both!:) I know my opinion probably does'nt
matter a lot, but my preference between these two very fine
firearms is the world famous Sig-Sauer P220A.:D It is my personal favorite firearm of all time; due to the fine craftsmanship that goes into each and every unit.:):D Besides that, the 220 is very accurate, extremely reliable
and very sleek in design.:rolleyes: And the SigArms service
department is second to none.:eek: With the new investor's
committment to excellence, these firearms should be with us
for a long time.:p

I personally like the DA/SA trigger of the Sig; cuz once
you master it's mechanics, everything else is second nature
including Glock's "Safe-Action" firing system. Although many
TFL member's have complained about the finish on SigArms
firearms; I find that with reasonable care they will serve
the user really well, with very few problems.

In closing, I believe that both Glock & Sig are much above
average firearms; either choice would be a welcomed addition
to any collection!!!:D:)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
I've owned five Glocks inclduing a G30 and a two Sigs including a P220 and a P226. Shoot my friend's G21 weekly since I reload for both of us.

Sigs were accurate. I had done top flight trigger jobs on both my Sigs. Smoothest trigger pulls in the world.

BUT I noticed a crack in my aluminum framed P226 and broke several trigger springs in my P220. And despite great treatment, the wear on the slides are terrible. Not too durable a finish. Little spots of bluing were coming off. And where is SigForum is a shame.
And why pay another $110 for the Sig.

Over the past 5-10 years, the FBI and many Special Forces and SWAT Teams dumped Sig for Glock. My DEA SA friend just bought a G30 and ditched his P220 after shooting my G30.

Sold my Sigs because I can't pay good money for a gun that rusts in 4 years in a safe well oiled.

Kept my Glocks. Just bought another full-sized G20 in 10mm.

Get the Glock. You can even fix/modify it yourself.

Fellow GTer here, good to see a farmiliar face. If you didnt notice by asking this question on GT you kind of get a one way answer which is expected.

Let me tell you, I have quite a bit of experience with both and can honestly say that I love both of these pistols, they are top notch, and thats an understatement.

My best shooting buddy owns the G21 and brings it to the range every time we go, I find this pistol to be a sweet shooter. Very nice but I also find it to be very thick in my hand, but if that doesnt matter to you, you make up for it in the capacity department. The gun was fairly accurate and handles the heavey push of the .45 rather well.

My p-220 gets my vote of the two pistols for the following reasons. In my hands it is quite a bit more accurate than any other pistol that I own and my buddys G21, again that is in my hands not yours. The balance of the P-220 is second to none, I see that somebody mentioned that the P-220 is heavy? Seriously, I dont know where that would come from, if you have ever held one you would see thats not true. The way that the P-220 fits my hand makes me feel it was made for me, it is just sweet all around.

If you ask the shooting community what they think the best .45 is on the market, 8 out of 10 of them are going to atleast mention the P-220, it is just known as one of the best .45s on the market. You will pay a little more for the Sig but its well worth it.

Plus, you can put some nice exotic wood grips on the Sig, my P-220 looks sweat with its Cocobolos on it:)

If you want one of the best .45s on the market either of these are not going to let you down. My vote easily goes to the P-220, I plan on getting a G21 at some point but it was nice to start with the best (in my eyes and many others) and get the P-220.

Good luck,
Thanks for the replies....The 220 does feel alot better in my hands then the 21....I havent shot either of them yet...The last time I was at the range,they didnt have either of them...Man that sucks....I guess I'm gonna have to check next time I go...I'll keep you guys posted....:)
Sig 220 is an excellent gun, but what i dont like about it is the DA/SA mechanism.

I would therefore go with the Glock, but would prefer a 30 to a 21 any day. Dont ask me why, but it has been my experience that the 30 is more accurate.
What JMack said, I agree totally, love 'em both!! Flip a coin... very favorite .45 is the H&K would be the last one I'd part with.