Sierra 308 175g HPBT MK lot differences?


New member
Does anyone use this sierra bullet #2275?
I have always heard and known of bullets changing a bit from lot to lot, but this bullet has been changed by their engineers by design or there is a mistake.
It is really screwing up my load data and trying to recreate known good loads.
I have 2 boxes on my bench: One box the bullets BTO, measured with a hornady comparator is .633. The other box, the bullets BTO, measured with same hornady comparator are all .663. That is a .030 difference, which of course conflicting my load data that I record.
Is this a common thing? Does it happen a lot and that much difference? These are Match grade bullets I assume, because Sierra calls them Match King.
What's the diameter of the ogive place you're referencing? If it's less than .299 inch, it won't touch the barrel.

Each lot of bullets isn't made with the same ogive pointing die setup. There's tolerances.

Do both bullets have the same lot number?
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