side lock removal HELP!!!

Try un-screwing the screw that holds it on a couple turns then tap it gentley to
see if you can dislodge it. Be careful!
You don't screw the one opposite the lock completely out.... just loosen it about 3 turns, then tap the screw on the head, gently, to see if it will push the lock out the other side just a hair and break the seating for you.
Don't whale on it and strip them screw threads!!!!! :mad:

Just t a p....... ;)
A rubber screwdriver handle works pretty good. It's light enough to be gentle, and non marring if you miss and hit the wood.

Before you do that, however, I'd suggest first running the tip/corner of a razor blade around the lockplate, between it & the wood - so you don't chip/splinter out any of the wood there.

Go gently !!!

Traditions is real big on having two lock-plate screws and have to assume that you have two and have been loosened as others have suggested, loosen and gently tap, both. If you can get one end started, it should kind of peal off. The finish sometimes has a tendency of making these stick. As you tap, listen to the sound as it should start to rattle and not be hard solid sound. There are times when I have been ready to apply a little bit of heat but have never had to do so. ..... :rolleyes:

Go Easy and;
Be Safe !!!
By any chance have you already unhooked/pulled the barrel off yet?
(i.e., perchance is the snail overlapping/holding the lockplate in still?)
Another thing to note about traditions .
If you have not taken the tang screw out , you might want to loosen that alittle .
The reason I say that is that I have had traditions guns that had a small lip on the standing tree “part the barrel hooks into “
When the tang screw is tightened down , that lip can catch the lock and hold it tight
Also as mehavey mentioned . If you have not lifted the barrel out , I would . This will reduce the pressure on the lock as well .
A little careful wiggling and the lock should pop out
Could be ???

By any chance have you already unhooked/pulled the barrel off yet?
(i.e., perchance is the snail overlapping/holding the lockplate in still?)

Good idea, I forgot about that.

Another possible good catch but don't think these came with a one part snail or split-snail. I think these should be just drum and nipple. ...... ;)

Be Safe !!!
the drum stiil sets to and is suported by the lock plate , or should . so if the barrel is not lifted , then the lock can still be held in place by the downward pressure of the barrel .
frankly the lock should come out even if there barrel is left in place . but sometimes things get just alittle off and thus bind
finally got the lock off it was in there TIGHT. in my owners manual it didnt say how to remove the lock:rolleyes: so i ended up smacking it out with a wood dowel and a hammer. flew about 3 feet:eek: but no damage :D
lock removal

Did you also remove the trigger guard and the trigger assembly?
many times the internals of the trigger assemblywill bind up against the lock internals?.
So was it "finish-stuck" or mechanically stuck? .....

just finish stuck

Did you also remove the trigger guard and the trigger assembly?
many times the internals of the trigger assemblywill bind up against the lock internals?.

yep i removed everything trigger guard & assembly, barrel, both lock plate scews, ect