
New member
After watching CNN's coverage of everything, balancing it with MSNBC and FOX NEWS... I have determind to remove those channels from my TV. One can get very angry about whats going on and get sick to death of it.


Resistance is Futile
I just paid a buck for a used paperback of Gulag Archipelago. The English translation is excellent, lost none of the original's flavor. It is also a great resource...add it to US and German sources, weed out inconsistencies and you would have a more comlete picture of now vs. then. Amazingly scary parallels.

Buy two and lend one out.

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.
Kodiac, I know the feeling, Thats why I seldomly watch the tube. Lets not give up, lets just alter th playing field. Any suggestions? AS for me ....well I'll hold onto that thought .
Honestly, I try to be open minded and I have been surprised that some of the coverage has shown that the plantiffs did not "win."

Particularly one report I saw on Headline News (CNN) and some of the LATE night coverage on CBS was rather supportive of the manufacturers defense.

Over the past year there has a been a decided increase (according to a Media watchdog type agency) in the number of "neutral" news stories about Gun issues.
I understand the feeling. I wont watch Bill Clinton on TV. If he RESIGNED I probably wouldnt watch.He in in the same category in my mind as Hanoi Jane Fonda Turner.It sickens me to look at them.

Better days to be,

Ed, do you really want to hate Jane Fonda?? Chew on this:

Ted and Jane have several huge ranches, on which they import several exotic game animals. You guessed it, she is an avid hunter. She apparently stalks and kills with the best of 'em, but won't come out in public and say it.

There is an old tape of a Barbara Walters interview with Ted Turner where she asks him about his homes, etc. He keeps alluding to the wilderness and hunting, but the way the edit is done, unless you knew they were hunters you wouldn't pick up on it. It was almost as if Ted was trying to talk about it, but the producers edited it out.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 02-12-99).]
Exactly, Ted and Jane are really Elitists. It's perfectly fine if THEY hunt and own firearms. Just don't you try to do the same. The general populace is much too "simple" to do those sort of things.

[This message has been edited by Contender (edited 02-12-99).]
Kodiac, i agree w/ you 100%. i get so mad watching the news that the wife makes me turn it off. it's the same ol' thing, guns are bad, freedom is bad, but lying to public, lying under oath, well, that's ok!!

fiat justitia
Waching the Today show I damn near punched a hole in the TV They could not wait to spread the news how the gun manufactures lost. With such a bias interview with HCI and Josh Surgarman I wanted to puke. (probably the only thing that saved the TV)
I can't express the disgust I feel for president, the politicians and, perhaps, what appears to be the majority of the people of this country. It seems that as we are exposed to more and more of what we deem distasteful we develop a craving for the same. I think the final evolution of our society will be a crash. I think it is inevitable.
Seems you've been "sick" an awful lot lately. Maybe you should see a doctor. ;)
Whatever it is it must be contagious, I think I've got it too.
What can we do about the bozos in D.C.

1) Make sure you vote.
2) Make sure you write to them about the issues.
3) Make sure you write your local papers as well.
3) Join your favorite advocacy group (currently I belong to NRA, BlueRibbon Coalition, and UFWDA, planning on joining LEAA)
4) Make all your friends follow the same steps.

We do live in a democracy after all. The trouble is still going to be finding suitable candidates, but then why don't some of us run for office.


[This message has been edited by KAM_Indianapolis (edited February 13, 1999).]
Two articles from San Antonio Express-News; 2/15/99; pg 11A:

Lawmakers predict demise of independent counsel act
The gist is: Those who want the law terminated include virtually all the Democrats, all the republicans, and all the attorneys (ABA voted 384-49 to end its support for this law).

I guess we'll have no more of this pesky "oversight" business.

GOP centrists preach a healing sermon

Gist is: So-called "centrist" Republicans:
-- want to "...recapture its agenda and isolate its right wing..."
-- say, "... Republican policies and platform planks over the last two decades have alienated women, union members, immigrants, minorities, the elderly, teachers, homosexuals and environmentalists."

If the Republicans become so obviously similar to the Democrats, this may weaken or even split the Democratic party. Disillusioned Republicans may be looking for a third party. The Libertarians won't pick up many folks because of their stand on drugs.

Is the time drawing near for the "Constitutional" Party to be created? A coalition of the Radical Religious Right, business people, Second Amendment advocates, and others who despise Big Government and believe in fiscal responsibility might soon have a chance to take the country back!

Whatcha think? (hope, hope...)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited February 15, 1999).]
Have you looked into the libertarians? I gave up on republicans awhile ago. The democrats and republicans are all grasping at power, but just going about it in different ways. RKBA is just one element of freedom (although a very important one). Don't think republicans are our saviors just because they say they support the 2nd amendment. That's just my view of things anyway.
IMHO, the Democrats & Republicans are so close in actions (if NOt in words) that I have no use for either of them. I would like to see an American political party.

I like what I see of the Libertarians but I get hung up on their desire to legalize drugs. I know I can be argued down on that issue, but I just can't go along with it.

I would like to see a VIABLE third political party that would support the people instead of the government. THAT is what I'm trying to advocate.

The Republicans?
-- Nixon (I am not a crook!),
-- Bush (Read my lips, NO new taxes!),
-- Ford (when our country needed a Lincoln, we got a Ford),
-- Reagan (I didn't know about Iran-Contra)
(Still my favorite since Ike.)

The Democrats?
-- Clinton (AARRRGGGHHH!)
-- Carter (Twenty WHAT percent inflation?)
-- Kennedy (You can have Marilyn now, Bobby.)
-- Johnson (Even the DEAD vote for me!)
Schumer, Feinstein, Moynihan, Boxer, et al are a certain replacement for Ex-lax with a syrup of ipecac chaser!

Heck. I'd much rather vote for Raymond VanDerLinden. Hmmm, MUCH rather! If we could sweet-talk Kodiac into running... hmmmm :) :)
Rich as Treasurer, Rob in State Dept....
Maybe we can work this out! Volunteers???

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited February 15, 1999).]
You don't check a thread for a day and you find yourself running for Pres in 2000.

I'd say DC has the best Political Knowlage, I'd scare the crap out of the poor liberals, and so called Centrists in the Republicat Party. Send DC to DC has a nice ring to it.

I happened to like the Libritairian stand on Drugs. As it is mostly about stopping the Federlazation of what should be state laws.

I would be glad to run for Vice Pres though.

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited February 16, 1999).]
Raymond: You've got my vote :)
All: Ever notice that what you see on TV is "a news SHOW"? In american parlance, a SHOW is a form of entertainment, which may of may not have anything to do with truth or reality.
Personally, I haven't seen a NEWS SHOW in over 6 years. Less aggravation....besides Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune are much more fun! :) :)

~Douglas in CT :)
"News Shows and Newspapers" exist only to sell advertising. Most only want to capture your attention long enough to form an opionion based on a headline. Most offer the news from their point of view.
Jane Fonda should be tried for high treason, not a poster child for the Atlanta Braves.
DC to DC. Got my vote. It would be nice to see the military bring back the 1911. I do wonder about the Surgeon General though. Dare I say WW?

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Yo, bozos! This question has already been solved for you. for Prez, for VP and HerrGlock for spook at large, though the 1911 crowd would cry foul. BTW, do check out Julia's Dejanews profile...great info and arguments.