
New member
Yes, another Kodiac "SICK OF" Post:

What is it with people? People always HAVE to find blame! Even when there is NONE - they wil fabricate it and make SPIN. What ever. Losers.

I remember a time when people took it on the chin. I remember when men would stand up and carry the weight of the consequences for they're actions.

Responsibility is far as far lost as Chivalry... Dead and gone. Buried.

There is nothing to blame. If you do something - you did it. People who insist on blaming something or others are WEAK. GOD I wish Darwin was right! The all these weak @ss losers would die off leaving the strong to survive.

Yes, Great Bear, and the irony of it all is that confession is good for the soul. It is necessary if you wish to get better as a person. Most people have much more respect for one how admits their mistakes and does what they can to make it right. It is anathemic to the Judeo-Christian ethic to wack a penetant. When they 'fess up, we are obliged to forgive and forget.

Think how much better off Clinton or Nixon would have been if they had simply said "I screwed up, I made a mistake, I'm sorry" At that point, the opposition would have had to let up and shut up, It would have been most unseemly for them to continue to pick on someone who had 'done the right thing'. But NOOOOOOOO, the idjits had to lie and stonewall it, the opposition only dug in and became more dogged in their pursuit to the detriment of us all.

Everyone errs from time to time. It ain't about falling down, it's about how you get back up that is the measure of the individual.
Best regards, M2

re; edit - I thought I'd clean up my typos, but another thing occured to me about taking your medicine - the sooner you get it over with, the easier it is to get on with your life [and may be make some new mistakes], but one thing I've learned about eating crow is that it's alot harder and more bitter the longer it sits.

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited April 30, 1999).]
Exactly, Mike...

And these kids in CO, the fell pretty hard. But it was THEY who fell. Searching to blame something else is pointless - yet the talking heads are frantic trying to spin it to there pet anti-thing movement. 60 minutes blaims arcades, CNN blaims loose gun laws. Rosie is just a big fat idiot... I could go on...

People make mistakes. Here in Salt lake the local paper ran an article saying the shooters were victems too... YEAH RIGHT!

I have listened to Rage against the Machine - I even like it when I am in a bad mood. But it doesnt make me want to go postal...

Pesonal accountability is a thing of the past. I think that is one of the major problems in our society. Nobody is willing to take the blame when they mess up and the media accually buys it!
My daddy, wise man that he was, taught me that anybody can make a mistake. It's how you handle that mistake that shows the true mark of a man.
A wise man once said...
To not make a mistake doesn't show Honor.
To make a mistake doesn't show Honor.
To make a mistaken and admit to it....That is Honor!

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
My parents taught me "rights" were always accompanied by "responsibilities". Now it seems like folks just want to have "rights" and be responsible for nothing.
Grayfox: I don't think the media buys it, I think they sell it. Sensationalism sells papers better than plain truth. Not the half truth we are used to hearing. With all the anti gun, anti music, ant this anti that, I have yet to see an article that says " Police wonder how illegal fireworks were obtained." or better yet " Police arrest fireworks vendor for furnishing fireworks to an unlicenced person". I checked the Co law about fireworks and guess what? You can buy sparklers and those stupid snakes, thats it. Now that would sure poke a bunch of holes in the, "Let's make more laws about guns" idea wouldn't it. Something is really beginning to stink about this whole thing. I am not saying that anyone put anybody up to any of this, but it sure seems that a lot of oppurtunistic people are getting the most mileage they can out of this, often at the expense of the truth.

Kids who want rights with out responsability are spoiled.

It looks like America as a whole is spoiled rotten.

Things make a little more sense now.

There needs to be some good spankings handed out.
