SICK of the 4TH


New member
Yes, it is time again for another Kodiac's Rant.

The 4Th of July... I am sick of it.

Before you flame me - Let me rant...

This is a Celebration of out Independance! Our becoming a FREE NATION under GOD. We are FAR from FREE... the Bill of Rights is nothing more than a DOOR MAT for the Government to WIPE its FEET on! We can't even have the very things which we use to celebrate this almost sacred day - Fire Works for crying out loud. Anything that POPS or Bursts is a nono... We can only pay 50 bucks for a red white and blue box SPARKLERS and FOUNTAINS. Why? Poppers and Crackers and Rockets are TOO DANGEROUS. Bullsh!t. Ever see a kid loose an Eye cause another kid is swinging arounf a WIRE that is BURNING at the tip??!!?! I have... each year! BAN SPARKLERS!
SOUTH PARK made a joke of this... All they could have was a SNAKE... the little black pill you light and it expands into a black ash "snake" - STOOOOPID...

I wont even go into the Declaration of Independance or all that... This holiday is HOLLOW.

You cant know how this pains me to say it... I cant salute the flag, and on the 4th, I can only bow my head...

What are your 4th plans? Picknicks and boat rides? Yeah I am doing that too... And out in the desert we will fire off illegal rockets and fire crackers - and fire guns too. But the highlight will be before the sun sets... I we will read out loud, in costum the Declaration of Independance... and upon reading the last name on that sacred document - we will throw tea into the lake...
I am not sure what that will teach the children there... but at least it will something. Certainly they dont learn anything worth while in school! Not once in MY public schooling did we once read the Declaration, or the Constitution... Even my CIVICS classes...

I could go on... But I will end this rant, sit back, drink a Pepsi and reflect...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I taught a church lesson on Sunday about civic duty, and I was shocked at the ignorance of what the Constitution is and why it is important. I'll bet not one person in 100 has read it, or the Declaration of Independence. Too bad. No wonder most politicians act as if the Constitution didn't exist...their constituents don't know it does.

Kodiac. I too feel as you do. Maybe you are not as alone as you think. I think people are afraid to speak out anymore.
I don't know how old you are, but when I hear people complain as you have, they are usually older persons.
This may not be as far off thread as you may think. In the AMERICAN RIFLEMAN there is a section called "The Armed Citizen." I have all of them since they started putting it in the magazine. In the beginning, people of all ages were stopping crimes, or shooting perps. Look at the latest issues of the last 5 or 6 years, and most of the shooters are now elderly. I find this passing strange. I guess the flower childrens children would rather love their attackers or something. Just being sarcastic.
Did you ever read Michener's CENTENNIAL? There is a section where two people are going west in their covered wagon. A point he brought out was that their were more pioneers killed by firearm accidents that by the Indians. Guess that's when they should have outlawed guns, right? Just being snide.
I live very close to an Indian reservation. Some of my neighbors have full auto weapons. I don't know who, but on the 4th of July, it sounds like Beirut around here. Most of the shots come from the "Res". At midnight on New Years Eve there is a repeat. I have picked up all kinds of spent bullets off my roof and in my yard. After tweny some odd years of picking them up and putting them in a can, I melted them down and got 13 pounds of metal to cast bullets.
Have a good and safe 4th. The Dr. won't let met drink, so have a couple of cold ones for me.
Paul B.
No, I am young... 29. But in my 29 years, I have served my country, my community, and God...

I feel as if I have wasted my years from 17 to 27. 10 years I want back!

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


From Ivan8883 6-30-99 525Pm EdT Kodiac, I was ready to start the same topic ,but you beat me to it! You are %100 correct. We as a people have betrayed the system of government that the founders created for us. We could not keep the Constitutional Republic they set up for us. We have a mob democracy in place today :only one step away from dictatorship. THe three branches of government are all united in controlling the masses through oppressive taxes,oppressive laws, and oppressive wars created by the elites in the Federal Reserve who fuel this entire ponzi scheme. THe taxpayers work until May 15 to pay their tax billto a illegal IRS who turns the money over to the Banksters in the Federal Reserve who have put this nation into the greatest debt of all time.Bluntly put, we are living in a corporate feudal system and we are the indentured servants or serfs of that corporate system. And if you doubt me,see what happens if you do not pay your real estate taxes on your home. Good bye home as the hard lien takes it away.Even if you have paid off your mortgage to the Federal Reserve System. I am sure what the Founders would say if they came back and saw their descendents celebrating the 4th by eating hot dogs and drinking beer. THey would sayit is time for another Revolution. Fat chance. Walter Williams, a conservative Black columnist,recently had a article alone these lines . He is correct and his solution is for a CONStitutional Convention to rectify the problems created by this corrupt system. Happy 4th to the old Constitutional Republic of the last century!
The country as we know it today has no business celebrating freedom. But the principles on which this nation was founded are just as worthy today as they were back then.

"There are only two powers in the world... the sword and the spirit. In the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit."
I agree Kodiak, but jeez...lighten up and blow something up! :)

(meaning fireworks mind you... I just realized how bad that sounded!)
Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.

[This message has been edited by SlackO (edited July 02, 1999).]
I agree with you Kodiac. I am 20 years old and I feel as if most people my age feel powerless under this government. The ballot seems to be worthless...all of our freedoms are taken from us. How many people care now? Very few. Most feel powerless. From seatbelts to cigarettes..our own government (which is supposedly designed to work for the ultimate freedom of the people) has decided that we, as Americans, are incapable of making our own decisions. We are no longer given the chance to make choices for ourselves concerning our own personal safety.
Partisanship is the only thing preventing a dictatorship. I guess that is a testament to the foresight of our founders in setting up our Government.
From Ivan8883 7-1-99 1007 AM EDT I read that essay by Patricia Neill and say; RIGHT ON! I am going to print this on my printer and make copies of it. We still have people in this country like Patricia Neill who see that things are rotten in our government. I get so damn discouraged with the sheeple people and when I read something like this I feel a little better. It may be too late in the game,but at least we can keep trying to educate as many people as we can. The object of the patriots is to get as many people on line to the aims of the Globalists as possible. I personally believe the Globalist willhave to strike soon in this country to get complete control before the masses wake up to their(Globalists) evilintentions. Believe me, the people have modern day Patrick Henrys and Thomas Paines right now preaching the truth on shortwave and internet. The horse race is heading into the homestreach. Who will win? GlobalistUS UN Government or Freedom ?
I am glad I am not alone on this...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


The biggest Independence Day celebration in Colorado Springs happens in Memorial Park.

Guess what we can't legally bring into city parks.

Try some irony; it's good for the blood.
Okay, Here's some ammo for Kodiaks fire.

What Happened to the Signers? Five signers were captured by the British
and brutally tortured as traitors. Nine fought in the War for Independence
and died from wounds or from hardships they suffered. Two lost their sons
in the Continental Army. Another two had sons captured. At least a dozen
of the fifty-six had their homes pillaged and burned.___ What kind of men
were they? Twenty-five were lawyers or jurists. Eleven were merchants. Nine
were farmers or large plantation owners. One was a teacher, one a musician,
and one a printer. These were men of means and education, yet they signed
the Declaration of Independence, knowing full well that the penalty could
be death if they were captured.___ In the face of the advancing British
Army, the Continental Congress fled from Philadelphia to Baltimore on December
12, 1776. It was an especially anxious time for John Hancock, the President,
as his wife had just given birth to a baby girl. Due to the complications
stemming from the trip to Baltimore, the child lived only a few months.___
William Ellery's signing at the risk of his fortune proved only too realistic.
In December 1776, during three days of British occupation of Newport, Rhode
Island, Ellery's house was burned, and all his property destroyed.___ Richard
Stockton, a New Jersey State Supreme Court Justice, had rushed back to his
estate near Princeton after signing the Declaration of Independence to find
that his wife and children were living like refugees with friends. They
had been betrayed by a Tory sympathizer who also revealed Stockton's own
whereabouts. British troops pulled him from his bed one night, beat him
and threw him in jail where he almost starved to death. When he was finally
released, he went home to find his estate had been looted, his possessions
burned, and his horses stolen. Judge Stockton had been so badly treated
in prison that his health was ruined and he died before the war's end. His
surviving family had to live the remainder of their lives off charity.___
Carter Braxton was a wealthy planter and trader. One by one his ships were
captured by the British navy. He loaned a large sum of money to the American
cause; it was never paid back. He was forced to sell his plantations and
mortgage his other properties to pay his debts.___ Thomas McKean was so
hounded by the British that he had to move his family almost constantly.
He served in the Continental Congress without pay, and kept his family in
hiding.___ Vandals or soldiers or both looted the properties of Clymer,
Hall, Harrison, Hopkinson and Livingston. Seventeen lost everything they
owned.___ Thomas Heyward, Jr., Edward Rutledge and Arthur Middleton, all
of South Carolina, were captured by the British during the Charleston Campaign
in 1780. They were kept in dungeons at the St. Augustine Prison until exchanged
a year later.___ At the Battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr. noted that
the British General Cornwallis had taken over the family home for his headquarters.
Nelson urged General George Washington to open fire on his own home. This
was done, and the home was destroyed. Nelson later died bankrupt.___ Francis
Lewis also had his home and properties destroyed. The British jailed his
wife for two months, and that and other hardships from the war so affected
her health that she died only two years later.___ "Honest John" Hart, a
New Jersey farmer, was driven from his wife's bedside when she was near
death. Their thirteen children fled for their lives. Hart's fields and his
grist mill were laid waste. For over a year he eluded capture by hiding
in nearby forests. He never knew where his bed would be the next night and
often slept in caves. When he finally returned home, he found that his wife
had died, his children disappeared, and his farm and stock were completely
destroyed. Hart himself died in 1779 without ever seeing any of his family
again.___ Such were the stories and sacrifices typical of those who risked
everything to sign the Declaration of Independence. These men were not wild-
eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education.
They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight,
and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with
a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually
pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

Where have men of this calibre gone?

I am not one of them, I am a wage slave. I have served my country in uniform, what ever action I could take would have little impact, because it is easily arguable that I have little to lose.

Where are the statesmen, lawyers, judges, heads of industry, other folks of power who belive in this country and belive in liberty?

Where indeed.

Me thinks they are all in love with money.

""If ye love wealth
greater than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We seek not your counsel,
nor your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.
May your chains set lightly upon you;
and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

-- Samuel Adams
Interesting history lesson, thanks!

To answer Kodiac's original question regarding what plans for the 4th. Wife and I are going out by the river to be with friends and watch the fireworks. Things will be different this time though. We both will be feeling sad at what has, and is, going on in this country. It has changed sooooo much. I for one will be thinking of our founding fathers and those that have come after them. The sacrafices they made, and the sacrafices that will still need to be made to bring this country back. I hope it's not to late to turn things around.


If you liked that, I think you will enjoy this too.

Who needs leaders, anyway?
© 1999 Claire Wolfe

For those of you that have not had the opportunity to read what Claire Wofle has written, at the bottom of the above article you can click on the link to her archives. I started from the first one she wrote (November 5, 1998) and worked my up to the present. Or you can just skip around in the archives picking the ones that look interesting. There are 4 pages of archives :)

Dog3, I am a lawyer who loves liberty, defends the Constitution and embraces the philosophies that support them.

Are there any others out there? I know of only three other lawyers in my community who believe in the principles that founded this great country.
i'm gonna blow the s#$%^ out till we run out of fire work's (not) the family goes down to the metro area to party with some solid folk's we start lighting stuff off around 4pm and usually go thru till midnight(non-stop display's) courtesy of your's truly. if it doesn't blow it's not a show!!
Just because one is an attorney - or wealthy man by other means - Doest this mean he risks more than the middle class worker with a family?
I may not have a lot money... but I gauran-damn-tee it that I have A LOT to risk...
My Boys are my LIFE. EVERYTHING I do is for them. Because of them - I feel richer than a King.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...

