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Why are all the gun magazines INSISTING that anyone who is anyone has a light attached to every long arm they own!

I have seen tac lights on SINGLE SHOTS.

This is stupid.
This is too much.
This is out of control.

Just because you have a sholder fired weapon, doesnt mean you have to put a spot light on it.

If you feel you really need it - cool... But bending to the will of all the gun magazines, and buyin gthe products that the magazin's advertisers pay them to write - is lame. L-A-M-E.
Think for your self! You dont need to sacrafice a weeks grocery money just to by the new Sure Fire light in the foreend kit...

400 bucks for a flashlight... Geez! You can get a flash light for a 1.99 at the store with the batteries!

Feel the Hype! It is not nessesary on every gun!

Funny - One mag showed a M-4 with so many add ons attached that the thing would have to weigh more than a M-60! The point of the M-4 was to be a light, handy carbine. Not the Swiss-Army Knife of Guns...

Now, I do think some long guns should have a light... Just like I like the taste of a good beer on a hot day. But MODERATION - PLEASE!

I feel the Hype! I feel the Hype!

For me, it changes the weight and the balance. Flash bangs are good, but Frags are better.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
You're right. This is a problem with a lot of products in the gun mags. For awhile lazers were all the rage, now it's taclights. The really sad part is when they write article after article about some new whizz-bang 1911 clone.

I stopped subscribing. When the writers start calling Hi-Point fire-arms "quality, low cost firearms" you now you've just wasted your 3 bucks.