Sick of MOOSE


New member
Yup. Moose.
I was camping near Flamming Gorge this weekend... And was driving my old Jeep Commando, when a freaking MOOSE stepped out of the wood work and ruined my old beloved. I kept it at the inlaws for when we went to visit for quick escapes to the mountains. Cherokee is dead too - But the loss of the V8 Commando.

Why God, Why!?!?!

Moose died of complications to the head.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Boris said it first when he told Natasha: "Moose must die."

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I always thought Rocket J was included as well: "Ve must keel moose and squirrel."

But then, I spoze squashing Rocky with a Jeep wouldn't be nearly as dramatic... although he *would* make a tricky little trap target. :)

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
sad to hear about the jeep. is there no hope for survival?? did you try mouth to carburetor resusication????

what me worry?
After I can locate all the parts. One good thing about Utah - Junk Yards a plenty and cause of the dry weather, they stay nice much longer.

Can You say PROJECT CAR?

Dang... I wanted to start that Cobra 427 project too...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Good thing you weren't in a putt-putt. Back in '90 I came upon a Geo Metro with a doe literally in the passenger seat. The driver was pretty freaked out and standing beside his car with the doe's ass just about perfectly sat down in the passenger seat. Doe was still kicking and I had to wait for Idaho State Troopers to arrive to put her out of her misery.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Well, between my Caprice, my Cherokee, and now my Commando...
I am back to my wife's premarriage Geo Metro XFI - thats the 3 cylinder boys and girls.

Shoot me. I hate that car.

It sports Olive Drab paint now... Dont ask me why... My Varsity Scout Troop just HAD to paint it. They figured it wasn't proper for there leader to drive a car with sunsets and palm trees on it - so they painted it.
Not a bad job.
If I could just get them to do my house too! :)

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...



[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited July 20, 1999).]
Just about had the same thing happen to my hunting partner and I coming out across the border from CO to NM, but this was a 5X5 or bigger bull elk. Wheeled around in front of us after having stepped on the little 2-laner at 50 yards (overcast moon, 1:00 A.M., and 70 mph.). Didn't know where to swerve that Trooper to. Just missed him by about a paint thickness on the front left fender, and rolled the little trailer we were dragging.

The irony was that we had just about worn out the San Juan Nat. Forest just north of Pagosa Springs looking for a big boy like him for the previous 10 days! Never found a legal bull, and left tired. In return, a very legal bull just about took us out! At 20+ feet, I could clearly see under him, looking over the hood. He stood tall enough, we were going to have a new passenger. Gawd!

We'd planned to drive it all the way through, but decided then to bunk down in Sante Fe, instead. Frankly, we were both too shaken to drive more than 40 mph that night, after that.

"Ah feel yore payeen..."

I sold the '66 mustang project car (daily driver from HS-College), to get a Studebaker Avanti II (83). It's the new project car.

Talk friends into taking you hunting! You always have to have a project car... (something to bitch about).

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
Bullwinkle: "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a Jeep Commando outa my butt" !
"Hey Presto, nuthin up the sleeve" :)

Rocky : "Again....." ? :(

Lucky for Kodiac, moose aint reknown for their Magic Act abillities ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Ahhh, a pseudo-Bullwinkle thread...

Rocky: " ...It's perfectly obvious Bullwinkle"

Bullwinkle: " Well of course it's obvious Rock, but what does it mean?"

Sorry, couldn't resist my favorite line from my favorite cartoon.

Kodiac, you better be careful in that Geo. If I had to make a bet between a Geo and a moose, the money's on the moose.

Let's be careful out there.


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety

If you don't mind my asking, and since no one else picked up on this, exactly what were the complications to the moose's head that led to his untimely demise? Hmmm, was it the rapid and violent insertion of a 230 grain Hydrashock?
Close... .40 cal 135 grain Triton Quik-Shok.

Bullwinkle had both front legs broken and had her ribs crushed. It was a bad scene and the poor critter was suffering badly. I didn't want to get in trouble for having a gun in a National Forest, so I radioed base camp and we towed the jeep outta there.
My 5 year old was quite shook up over the matter. No one was hurt... which was good.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Most of the Nat. Forests that I spend time in have no probs with weaponry, if you're discreet. All of my elk hunting and most of my backpacking has been in them, and you don't think I wasn't packing at all time? You're just not allowed to target shoot or hunt on the trails or from campsites or within 100 yards of the forest roads.

Shoulda sacked 'em up.

Driving back from the mountain during deer season I observed that more deer are harvested by GMC, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda, etc. than by Winchester, Remington, Browning, Sako, Mauser, etc. You'd think the hunters were flushing them for the motorists.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
In the past when you've gotten "sick", I recommended you see a doctor. Maybe this time you should try a veterinarian! :)
OHHHHH NOOOOOO first jfk jr is dead now Bullwinkle next I'll find out that Santa Claus took a dirt bath. I don't know if I can take another loss. Sorry about your hunting rig if I had known I'd saved the K5 I just took to the dump. Just the body saved frame and driveline going to make new hunting rig. SOOOO Sad.

"Solidarity is the Key"