SICK of I-15

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I have been doing a great deal of driving up and down I-15 lately and have come to some conclusions.
First off - I am of the opinion that UDOT is clinically insane.
Secondly - Some reorganization is in order. While I do not know all the details of the inner workings of UDOT - some things are abundantly clear. I can imagine that sitting in on a management meeting in the upper levels of UDOT is like sitting at the table at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. To save Utah’s sanity I have a proposal I would like people to consider if only briefly.
Let me point out an example first - Los Angeles had a terrible earthquake some years ago. This quake tore up a lot of the freeway system in many different areas. I remember hearing that there was estimates of 2 years before repairs would be complete. The department of transportation there decided very wisely to privatize the projects and offered the contractors a Bonus for every day the project was completed earlier than estimated. The result was crews worked 24-7 until the project was done. Those 2 years turned out to be only 6 months.
My proposal is thus: UDOT is decapitated, the upper management sacked. UDOT assets are inventoried and leased out to private contracting firms. All UDOT road crews need not loose employment as there could be as many as 5 or 6 large contracting companies across the state of Utah doing highway work. Private companies are much better managed and as they are concerned about profit, can cut costs. Utah Taxpayers could save millions. I have not worked out any details of this proposal - that can be left up to the Governor and his brain trust. The main gist is get rid of state government BS and get in some common sense that can not only clean up the I-15 mess - but make sure future projects never turn into a national joke. I have seen cartoon maps of the US with a banner across Utah “Closed for repairs”. This was rather insulting. The existing remnants of UDOT will only be a dispatching and moderating organization with strict regulations regarding project planning… so such travesties as I-15 will not happen again. I can see such reasons for a huge mess as a natural disaster, but not a sporting event. It has yet to be seen if 2002 turns out to be a disaster… but I am only worried about there being an off ramp open near my exit by that time.
While ranting - I also suggest some streamlining in the DMV… There need not be 2 separate locations in Salt Lake City for registering your car and renewing your DL. First off I see no reason what so ever for annual renewal of your tags. When you buy a vehicle and register it - it stays registered… They know who’s car it is. This is just a method of extracting more taxes out of the people… Money that pays for the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party so they can tear up our state… If these two parts of the DMV got meshed together, the state could save a great deal of money. People could save a great deal of time. If you combine the savings between both my ideas here - the state could save enough money that we will no longer have to pay taxes on our cars every year! I agree with safety and smog inspections - that is very much needed… We don’t pay tax on our TV every year, why our cars? For those thinking that the DMV would become unbearable - search on the internet for Virginia’s DMV and take a look at what Utah’s DMV needs to be like… Bigger waiting areas, with nice seats to wait in… an information booth to ask quick simple questions… forms handed out and queue numbers given so you can fill out your forms and be done by the time your number is called - so waiting is minimal. I suggest the Governor go to Richmond, VA and see for himself what Public Service can be like. Ever see a fellow at the DMV stand in line for 30 minutes only to find out he is in the wrong building? Where should he go? Back across town. Nice… Oh - and DON’T take I-15!

You might laugh in the face of FEAR... but unless your armed, its a nervous, unconvincing, little laugh.
I've done a fair amount of travelling up I-15 lately too (going from San Diego to Boise and back 4 times in the last 12 months). Its actually not bad until you get to SLC. You ought to hit Boise about rush hour. Now THAT'S a mess.
Come to Jacksonville, FL! I'll take you on a hellish nightmare ride called the entire road system here! You think the boat ride in Willy Wonkas Chocolate factory was maddening, try getting off the Buckman Bridge at 5:30PM! :mad:, or just park, er I mean drive down Blanding Blvd. anytime! :mad: Talk about justifiable homicide!

Happiness is a smoking gun, and a dead criminal!

.308 Holes, make invisible souls!
I recently had the dubious pleasure of driving a large diesel Ryder truck, towing a vehicle on a trailer, through Provo/SLC on the interstate at night.

It was a nightmare - fortunately, some good Samaritan local guy volunteered to guide me back on the interstate and to the I-15 west bypass of most of the rebuilding mess.

On top of the Olympic bribery scandal - this road work fiasco should bring about a citizen's revolt in SLC.

What were they THINKING???
I should point out that part of I-880 in Oakland collapsed in the Loma Prieta quake in 1989, and it still isn't finished.

The difference? LA people and politicians were unanimous - they wanted the freeways put back just the way they were, as fast as possible, at any price. Don't bother us with the details, they said; just do it.

On the other hand, the bay area is still digging out from under the political BS that spewed forth after the quake there. First, the section of 880 that collapsed ran through one of the worst parts of Oakland. The local people got on the victim bandwagon; their mantra was, "We don't get any say where the freeway will go because we're poor", etc. The state caved, and rerouted the freeway through what had been an old Union Pacific marshalling yard (paid 9 fortunes for it), which turned out to be contaminated with diesel fuel and oil, so they had to pay another 9 fortunes to clean it up. Oakland mayor Elihu Harris then insisted that Oakland-based contractors should be given preferential treatment for the rebuild work. This didn't sit well with the big construction firms who stood to win those contracts. I could go on.

My point? None, except I suppose to say it's still possible to get a response from your government, but it takes everybody being on the same page to do it.
I hate driving through that crap. Doesn't help that most people in this state can't drive worth a damn. Got stuck in traffic going through Farmington for over an hour due to a lane shift!!!! :mad:

Last time I talked to you George I left Redwood Road, took the wrong exit, wound up going south instead of north, couldn't find an open exit to turn around until I hit Draper!!! :mad:

Yes UDot is insane. Plus it doesn't help that we have one freeway across the entire state. The San Fransisco area has three alternate freeways.

This does suck.
the I-15 trench
2:30 in the morning
90 miles an hour. :D

Or the 21 street trench before it closed.

"Why back home we used to Bullseye Seagulls in my T-16. It'll be just like I-15 back home."


"We're going in full throttle, that'll keep the UHP off out tail."

It all comes down to one thing: MONEY

Gov. Mike wanted it done by the 2002 Olympics so that they could get more people in and get more of their money. Never mind the neglect of everything else: education, natural resources, etc., etc.

I'm almost ashamed to admit it.

Personally, I avoid SLC as much as possible until it's done.
Life in a rural community is great. Haaaaaaa!

Alexander Solzhenitzyn:
"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
I been there in Northern Virginia... Yes its bad.
But at least they dont up and decide to tear up THE ENTIRE FREEWAY SYSTEMS ACROSS THE WHOLE DANGED AREA ALL AT ONCE!!!!!

Putting my crash helmet on to face the long drive home...
i did the Northern VA to montgomery shuffle tonight. The inner loop of the beltway was clogged when i got on near Tysons Corner.
Start stoppy in all 5 lanes across the Legion Bridge & into MD

Then traffic cleared to the right while the North bound 270 lanes remained start stop for 2 more miles

the cause?

4 police cars pulled over under Democracy Blvd bridge doing HOV patrol.

