SICK of Felony Stupid

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Okay - once more a rant to get of my chest:
You have one IDIOT screws up and does something insanly idiotic and all the sudden its a SOCIAL ISSUE!

If you have an Idiot do something stupid... It isn't because everything is wired wrong in the world... its because Person X did not use his brains. It is no social issue - people are not wired together in some ant colony collective hive mind!

It's all about PERSONAL RESPONSABILITY. If we would just HOLD THE BLAME ON THE GUILTY, then a lot of problems in the USA would fade to black...

Everything from TRAFFIC to Felony crimes would change... Because cop-out-please did not hold any water anymore - current laws get enforced...


What can we do?

We should Ban "STUPID."
If you do something so very stupid that it effects others - Well, Here is your ticket...
The plea Nolo Cerebrum would no longer be valid. If you muss up - you gotta fix it. Take it on the Chin and be a man! Or Woman as the case may be...
"Blonde is no excuse!"

There... I said it...

Ah, I feel better already...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Unfortunately this is no cure for stupid. I think Bill Engvall has the right idea.

I know... I know... Guys - You got a good plan - self medicate till I'm comfortably numb and relax.

I'll try. I better - I dont want to end up in the news!

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I couldn't remember who did that skit, "Here's your sign!" It was great! My family and I laughed about it for weeks.

Maybe we can adapt that humor for our own sign.


When I see a business with a "no handguns" sign, I go in, find the senior person on duty, and tell them why I sadly can not do business with them anymore.

Every friend and acquaintance who tells me they are afraid of guns and would not want me to carry a gun around them, I tell them they are cannon fodder and I'll survive thanks to their cowardice and willingness to be a target.

Every company who supports gun control or anti-gun programming, gets a polite letter of non-support from me.

In every First Aid, CPR, or Defensive Driving class I teach, I spread the pro-gun word.

Yes, this has cost me work. I've lost money and last Spring we danged near starved, but my kids see what I'm doing. They know, as we know on TFL, that citizens may have guns - subjects can not.

Neither of my girls own guns - but (for your own peace of mind) don't tell them they can't. The younger one especially will get right in your face and say things you don't want to hear!!! :) Oy!

Even my wife, "Miss Calm!", when one of her clients said, "Guns kill people! I'm afraid of guns!" responded with, "Airplanes crash. People are afraid of heights. But airplanes still fly."

So there are some of us out here who are with you, George. The stupid, the bigoted, the fearful, and the tyrant are always with us. We need not bend to their stupidity, their bigotry, their fears, or their tyranny.

Stick it to 'em. RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 23, 1999).]
My friends,
I'd like to take a few moments of your time to tell you about one of the greatest threats to ever face mankind. It can strike anywhere at anytime. It strikes men, women, young and old alike. And each year it is responsible for thousands of people maimed, crippled and killed.
Yes, I'm speaking about stupidity.
There is no know cause and no cure. Stupidity strikes suddenly and without warning. It often shows no symtoms until it's too late. And most victims aren't even aware that they are stupid. The results can be devistating.
But, there is hope. Right now the Democratic United Mothers Against Severe Stupidity is working hard to put an end to this terrible threat. Every day our scientists and researchers are finding out more and more about this awful condition. Our goal is to end stupidity in our lifetime. Currently our efforts are consintrated on Washington D.C. where stupidity has reached epidemic proportions. It will be a long hard fight and we need your help.
So, for a limited time, we offer you the unique opportunity to join Democratic United Mothers Against Severe Stupidity. Your contribution of just $29.95 gets you into the best anti-stupid organization in the world. Do your part in the fight against stupidity. Join today, and as a special gift, we'll send you our three color bumper sticker and a one-size-fits-all hat absolutley Free!
So send in your money and proudly tell the world:
I'M A D.U.M.A.S.S!
Here's a thought.

We don't need to legislate against stupidity. We need to legislate NOT to protect them from themselves. At that rate, it'll just be a while before Darwinian evolution takes over and the social parakeets fall from their perches, removing themselves from the gene pool.

Sigh...if only...


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety

My favorite signature saying used to be: "Stupid people shouldn't breathe."

However, after going to work fer da gummit, I hadta change my tune a bit... ;)

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
I've been gone two weeks and only popping in on occasion. I must say I like the "stupid people" thread. I e-mailed a friend last night and we discussed pretty much this same issue.

I believe I referred to them as idiots…but stupid is good. ;)

Take care and Be safe,

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928
Stupidity is aided and abetted by the media. Every night on the news we are treated to some new "Threat" to our or our childrens safety. If some dumass cuts his finger opening a can of soup, the 6 o'clock news will headline "Cans That Kill" and we will be treated to a 2 minute news story on the danger of tin cans.

Unfortunately the public seems to want this type of "Investigative Reporting". The news networks fall all over themselves to find the newest "threat" and report on it for the protection of the public!

The media is the problem, in their push to get viewers they will latch on to the most absurd case of human stupidity and report it as a threat to society.

Geoff Ross
We used to have a saying in my old office, "You can't fix dumb." And it's true.

My favorite Bill Engvall bit was:
Bill drives into a service station with a flat tire. While he's examining it, the attendant walks over and says, "Didjer tar go flat?" Bill says, "No, it's the damndest thing I ever saw. I was driving along and the other three just swelled right up. By the way, here's your sign!"
You're singing my song... I have a sign in my office: "Stupidity should be painful".
Actually, I'd rather it was fatal in some instances... Maybe most...
The gene pool needs a bit of chlorine, its time to stop saving dimwits from themselves.

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...