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It was a couple months ago that I placed a small order with them.

I know they are slow as heck - but please - I ordered parts that should be just "Off the Shelf."

After some time, a sent an email for an order status check... then some time after that, sent another email.

I have lost track of when this started. But I have yet to hear back from them. tried 3 times calling and kept getting a machine.

Needles to say - I am tired of waiting. So I sent them an email cancelling my order, and thanking them for the great service.

Was I wrong here? Did I get too impatient, as I am spoiled by then "Right Freaking Now" era we live in?

Or is it that Bushmaster really needs to step up to the plate?

If they have managed to piss you off, they msut be doing something wrong.... I considered you one of THE Bush-men.

Perhaps they are getting spoiled by all the success and attention their products have enjoyed, thanks in great part, I believe, to the political Mess that Colt has embroiled itself in.

If you go over to, and look in the Bushmaster forum, there's a post by the Bushmaster rep. He explains pretty well why they're late on peoples orders etc. I think alot of it has to do with their suppliers not being able to keep up with the current demand. Apparently since Y2K hysteria has started they been selling tons of rifles. According to the rep the volume of business is comparable to right before the signing of the 94 Assualt Weapon ban.

-- Scott

[This message has been edited by swehrman (edited May 22, 1999).]
I've heard from more that one source that Bushmaster is buried under Y2K business. Personally, I think some of the Y2K business is actually 'Feinstein / Schumer' business. Whatever the case, it certainly doesn't excuse rudeness or poor service. But, it may explain the situation.

I haven't ordered anything lately, but they always treated me well in the past.
Back ordered on rifles is one thing... but can't repond to customers?

If business is so good that they are selling stuff they havent made yet - then they can dang well afford to hire some one to answer the dang phone and emails!

Please Lordy - dont let H&K start acting up with that kinda crap!

I will have to (shudder) go buy a Glock!

I am in the same boat. I placed an order back in Feb for a complete pre-ban upper, and am going crazy now! My calls to Bushmaster revealed that the Y2K paranoia blew thier business through the roof. I think this is great for the industry and I'm happy for Bushmaster; However, I also agree that, if they value thier customers, and I know they do, then they should at least beef up customer service a little! I really believe that the last 6 months have just caught them with thier pants down. They have always had good customer service before, and when this y2k rush is over, everyhing will be back to normal, whatever that is! -Jay
Just a couple of thoughts:

1) Do you guys actually expect most businesses to answer emails? My experience has been that VERY FEW companies (guns, clothing, etc.) have actually hired people to man their web presence. Granted, this is getting better every day, but I have had very spotty luck using email for most "mail order" businesses.

2) Bushmaster is not a gun maker. Bushmaster assembles parts into a gun. They sub contract out to MANY manufacturing firms, most manufaturers wouldn't know a gun if it bit them on the ass. I wouldn't be surprised if there were only a couple of AR barrel manufacturers and that most ARs had basically the same barrels. If Bushmaster is slow on filling orders, I'd bet that all of the other AR "makers" are experiencing the same parts shortage. (And they seem to be. Bushmaster gets more bad press cause they do such a high volume parts business. Just try to order AR parts from Colt.) Basically, if you want a complete gun, orders seem to be going pretty fast. If you try ordering parts, sorry, they're going into the assembled guns.

I don't mean to be an apologist for Bushmaster, I just wanted to point out a couple of things...

Kodiak, you are justified in bitching, IMHO. if you ordered via a credit card, I'd call the issuing bank and block the charge. nothing gets people's attention like cutting the money off. this has worked a couple of times for me when I've had disputes.

as for not answering e-mails, my attitude is that putting your e-mail address on a web site and not answering is like putting your phone number in the yellow pages and not answering. extremely poor courtesy. I tend to vote with my feet (or mouse).

and one of the nice things about Glock is that there are aftermarket vendors that sell almost all of the various OEM parts. I've tried to stock up anything that wears out or can get lost in the carpet. this way I don't have to deal with Glock directly (who generally has excellent repair service but has never really understood the non-institutional customer).
all of the dcm/cmp service rifle shooters are very unhappy with BM. seams they screwed a good family owned company called compass lake eng. A guy named Frank White developed a lot of tricks to make the AR shoot well at long range and was building riles and selling parts. he joined with BM and showed them how. now that they know they dump him and do a low quality imitation. they call this the BM dcm rifle.
Sounds like Frank gets to join the legions of inventor's/idea people that are long on design, short on business savvy. Ideas and tricks for firearms come and go. I personally know several "inventors" that can produce the original prototypes, but don't get a cent of the royalties for what became a widget success. NOW they know how to get patents and copyrights to protect their brainchildren.

*All* DCM/CMP shooters is a very large group of people. I find it difficult to grasp that *all* are aware of this and *all* are upset about it. Leveraging knowledge and creating cutouts are not an uncommon business practice, and they generally only catch the unwary/naive. Fortunately, most learn from their mistakes and don't perpetuate the practice.

This is not intended as a defense of the alleged business practices nor or the purported parties involved, just a simple acknowledgement of business realities.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
Oh, man...
How is this - after all the trouble I have had with them - they sent me a CATALOG!

No, I dont want a catalog - I want the parts I ordered!

I take that back - I DONT WANT them - I will get them from some one else.

Bushmaster didn't expect a flood of business because of Y2K?
Do these guys live in a cave? Of course people are going to be doing a lot more ordering... Every one in the industry could see that one coming from a mile away. Bushmaster either didn't see it coming - or did not care. Either way, poor business practice. They should roll up there sleeves, and gear up.