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George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Next thing posted will be average shoe size or penis length.
Lets put a stop to this crap right now. There are fewer useless topics that could be posted.
I also find most rather insulting. Often these make the poster look like they are posting the Average____Thread just for the sake of seeing his post up on the internet.

Lets either stop putting this junk up... or if someone does - IGNORE it. Don't reply to it. Let it fall off the radar as fast as possible.
George, I agree. It's obvious, of course, that 1911 owners are just, well....."average". :)

It's my understanding that average 1911 owners absolutely, positively can't get a Bushmaster to work.
I agree, after looking through the posts, I'm sick of em already.

I was going to do a post "Average age of a Moderator" :D but I decided not to. Who knows what nasty tools the moderators have at their disposal, and I would hate revenge. :eek:

Good Shooting
I've closed the other threads and will leave this one up for a little while longer.
Why did I close them? Because I didn't feel they contributed to the advancement of responsible firearmes ownership. Thats it. And no its not fair. Neither life or myself is fair.
In fact... I'll just close this one as well.
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