Sick and Tired of Seeing Idiots With Guns

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Tucker 1371

New member
Ranting is not appropriate - GEM

Lately I have been seeing and hearing a disturbing amount of cases of people being irresponsible with firearms and it really makes my blood boil, and when I say really I mean really.

Now, I know the second amendment by heart, it is a document and a piece of our country that is near and dear to me. But don't you think that there should at least be a 10 question test at the end of a background check form to determine whether or not someone possesses the common sense and basic knowledge (and I mean VERY basic) every gun owner should have?

Something along the lines of:

  • The Four Rules
  • Be able to explain why you can't just put any bullet in any gun
  • How to use the sights
  • How to properly load a gun
  • How to maintain a gun
  • How to deal with malfunctions

If I ever were to open a gun store I would not sell a gun to anyone who could not satisfactorily answer every question on this test. I guess it's not the government's job to legislate this, I DO consider myself a libertarian after all, but I would like to see a consensus among the gun industry and private store owners, and yes, even Wal Mart to enact a policy like this. It would almost certainly give the anti's one less thing to [whine] about (although we all know they'll never really stop with their bull[crap]).

Go ahead and flame me.
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Just for that inflammatory post you do not get any frosting on your birthday cupcake and you only get one candle. shame on you shame, shame:D

There, you have been flamed, happy now?
Hm, shouldn't there be a ten question politics test to be sure that people know SOMETHING about the country before they vote?

No there shouldn't.

I'm a little amazed by how crazy people get about something that causes so few problems. Yes, few. Just because it's on every news cycle for days every time it happens doesn't mean it's a real problem.

I guess we all need our little pet-peeves
Just because it's on every news cycle for days every time it happens doesn't mean it's a real problem.

That's why it's a problem, PR is an essential part of preserving gun rights.

But I think I agree that the Government shouldn't be trying to force something like this. I really do believe that the gun industry itself needs to enact some self standards to ensure the more responsible transfer and sale of guns. I also think that something like this could prevent a lot of whackos and gang bangers from legally buying guns. Yes, I know they'll still buy them illegally but it's better than either more gun laws or just letting the morons make responsible gun owners look bad.
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If you ask me today's "safety culture" is already too oppressive and overbearing. Most people know what's dumb and what isn't, and act accordingly. There will always be a few who just don't get it and create problems, be it with guns or other inanimate objects. With firearms, a little bit of safety education goes a long way here.

I think rather than saying gun stores should be implementing "safety knowledge checks" we should just take it upon ourselves to introduce new shooters to the sport safely. People will always slip through the cracks of any administrative policy like that. It's too easy to learn the "right answers" for the little test, get what you want, and then do something stupid with it anyways. Keeping people involved in safety habits by providing good personal examples will always be much more effective.

I know the analogy is way overblown - but think how many people do stupid things with cars. At least in NY, we have a written "safety test" before we can get a permit. Doesn't stop people. I know I drive like my parents, not the way I answered the test. Take that for what it's worth.
There are all kinds of items being used by morons now.Every day some moron driving a car tries to kill me.It's all part of the dumbing down process here in the USA.
I see where you're coming from. It's just annoying and disturbing hearing about some of the stuff that goes on in gun stores, gun shows, living rooms, and firing ranges. Also, what got me thinking about this is this moron who is a friend of my roommate's.

The other day he tells me about how he and a friend of his from back home were screwing around with a few shotguns and an AR15, both indoors and out shooting on the property and I mentioned something about how that's wasn't safe.

He said "Well they were unloaded" and I proceeded to tell him why that didn't matter and he said "hey all I need to know is how to point it and pull the trigger". And he can go buy a gun whenever he wants with just a simple background check.

Not that I'm scared because you'll never catch me or anyone I care about shooting with him but the flippant attitude he had towards it really irked me, like guns are just another toy to him. I usually never wish anyone ill but I really hope Darwinism kicks in in his case before he become another news story or stat for the anti's to wave around.
Quoteing peetzakiller, "Hm, shouldn't there be a ten question politics test to be sure that people know SOMETHING about the country before they vote?"

Actually, when I was Jr HS and HS we had to pass a test on Government and the Constitution. I wonder if that still exists or is limited to only some states.
robmkivseries70 said:
Actually, when I was Jr HS and HS we had to pass a test on Government and the Constitution. I wonder if that still exists or is limited to only some states.

To pass high shool, yes. To vote, no.

GSUeagle1089 said:
I really do believe that the gun industry itself needs to enact some self standards to ensure the more responsible transfer and sale of guns.

Do you realize how low guns are on the list of accidental fatalities?

Should car dealers make sure that you know how to drive?

Should pool sellers make sure that you know how to swim?

Should Wal*Mart make sure you know how to react to an accidental Chlorox poisoning?

Should I make sure that the people buying my pizza know the Heimlich?
Do you realize how low guns are on the list of accidental fatalities?

Should car dealers make sure that you know how to drive?

Should pool sellers make sure that you know how to swim?

Yes. It's not the actual number of deaths, it's the bad press. It's important whether you believe it or not.

Uh, I do believe a simple "you have your driver's license, right?" would suffice. The rest that is on the end of the issuer of the driver's license.

Again, a simple "you know how to swim, right?" might suffice.

Why shouldn't a gun dealer be able to simply ask "Hey, you know the four rules, right? You know what caliber this gun your about to buy fires, right?" Whether it's asked on paper or vocally I don't really think it's too much to ask.
It's not the actual number of deaths, it's the bad press.

Then that's what needs to change. Perspective.

Why shouldn't a gun dealer be able to simply ask "Hey, you know the four rules, right? You know what caliber this gun your about to buy fires, right?" Whether it's asked on paper or vocally I don't really think it's too much to ask.

Let's say that they do.

Are you going to limit purchases to dealers only? Because that's what would happen. The idiot would buy a gun privately instead. You couldn't eliminate more than a fraction of the problem unless you limited sales to dealers only... and then you'd be creating a whole new segment of the black market.
If you ask me today's "safety culture" is already too oppressive and overbearing.
Spoken like someone who hasn't had a loaded gun pointed at them, finger on the trigger, by a woman whose husband gave her the gun despite the fact that she's never had a moment of training. :mad:

No, we need a stronger, more vigilant "safety culture." But it needs to come from within. You read that right, gang. Stop whining about the unsafe guys two bays away and do something about it.

If I ever were to open a gun store I would not sell a gun to anyone who could not satisfactorily answer every question on this test.
You wouldn't be in business very long. First off, there are a lot of people who don't know that stuff yet, but plan on getting trained soon. You'd be excluding them.

Also excluded would be people buying guns as gifts for relatives who are shooters. You could count out more than a few actual shooters, who would likely resent something like that.

I see where you're coming from, and it's tempting. Man, is it! But it wouldn't help much, and it would create some ill-will.
Then eliminate just a fraction of the problem. It's low cost and it's comforting to the non-gun owning public, basically the equivalent of getting a little something for nothing. And I am not suggesting we prohibit private sales.

Plus you can say "hey look, we don't need the government to regulate us, we can do it ourselves". That will stifle at least some support for future anti-gun laws, it makes them look unnecessary (which they are but some remain unconvinced).

You wouldn't be in business very long. First off, there are a lot of people who don't know that stuff yet, but plan on getting trained soon. You'd be excluding them.

I realize that, a study guide is not too terribly hard to print out and distribute. Heck, I could make a crate full of fairly professional looking ones right now for less than $100. It's not like I would be like "Rah no you can't buy a gun, get the hell outta my shop." More along the lines of "Well I have to make sure you know a few things about guns before I can sell you one, here's this little study guide." 15 minute read or less.
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Why shouldn't a gun dealer be able to simply ask "Hey, you know the four rules, right? You know what caliber this gun your about to buy fires, right?" Whether it's asked on paper or vocally I don't really think it's too much to ask.

I've known many aircraft mechanics that could pass any basic written tests yet would never so much as allow them to have a wrench in their hand if I had anything to do with it.

In theory, it may be beneficial. In practical sense, I really don't think it would do any good. Good intentions, Eagle. That's for sure.
I don't think you include criminals in your" idiots with guns statement" least not from how i read it. It looks like your generally talking about those idiots you see on youtube shooting each other with bullet proof vests or shooting up in the sky.

Those people are a small minority of people compared to the criminals with guns most law abiding owners buy to protect themselves from. Criminals do not care what sort of test you would like to enact as they do not normally use conventional methods to purchase firearms. The random idiot being irresponsible with their firearm is not making us look bad. It is the criminals enacting fear into the public with their use of firearms that makes gun owners look bad.

lol I understand your plight..but a little self absorbed imo.
The Four Rules
Be able to explain why you can't just put any bullet in any gun
How to use the sights
How to properly load a gun
How to maintain a gun
How to deal with malfunctions

I know a great many shooters who couldn't state to you the four rules but they do follow the rules or handle firearms in a safe manner. Should they be excluded because they can't recite the "rules"?

Asking anyone question number two shows that you should not be allowed to own a gun. A "bullet" is what comes out the end of a barrel and a cartidge is what goes in the chamber of the gun. I expect you to take all of your firearms to your local police station and declare yourself unfit to own them.

The last four deal with proficiency and not safety. Not being proficient is different than being unsafe.
I don't think you include criminals in your" idiots with guns statement".

Maybe you should try reading the rest of the posts on this thread:

I also think that something like this could prevent a lot of whackos and gang bangers from legally buying guns

Criminals are idiots too. Do you think the thugs know any more about gun safety than Bubba and Tad messing around with dad's shotgun, dry firing it at each other? Plus it makes it a lot harder for the Brady bunch to blame law abiding gun owners and businesses.

lol I understand your plight..but a little self absorbed imo.

I don't too much appreciate this comment and I'd like you to back it up, first time I can remember being called "self absorbed".

Also excluded would be people buying guns as gifts for relatives who are shooters. You could count out more than a few actual shooters, who would likely resent something like that.

Valid point, although for the actual shooters you could say the same about them being asked about things like marijuana use on the background check.
flippycat said:
lol I understand your plight..but a little self absorbed imo.

I personally don't know Eagle. But from his statements here as well as his posting history I don't think this is the case. Passionate about responsible gunownership? Yes. Self absorbed? I'm not inclined to agree.
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