SHTF time??


New member
right as I type this, Alex Jones just asked the listeners to call him and say what event would it take before gun owners would start an all-out shooting war!

what would be the line in the sand??

one caller stated his guns & ammo are ready and that for him the sight of military vehicles occupying americas streets would be it for him.

this might be an interesting show :)

listen in thru the internet:
BS big time.

Get your guns and ammo ready when you see the military vehicles and then take a cannon round into your bungalow.

These kind of threads and talk shows will only convince folks we are looney.
seems like those kind of folks consider us "looney" anyway by virtue of just owning guns.

they could care less about how much you condemn such shows or such threads.

they still have an agenda to rid the nation of firearms. By hook or by crook. Eventually it will reach a point where the only thing you have left, is to just keep telling them how "nice" and how "reasonable" you are.As they confiscate your last gun.

..they still wont be "impressed" by you.
This CANT happen here ...this is AMERICA !!!

Yeah right !

That kind of thought process is EXACTLY the reason it will happen here.