SHTF!!!!!!!!!!!!???????s some replys


New member
I hope this gets some reply's I was wondering what is one suppossed to do in a SHTF senario. Survive protect your family and then when you run out of supplies,what do you do??? In case of an invading army how are you going to fight them off. This is not 1775 where we can use the same weapons as our enemy. A modern army is better organized is better armed with motars, APC, Tanks, Aircraft, 40mm, Snipers etc.... I mean really you could be packing all kinds of toys and still be out manned and out gunned. So really fill me in on what one is supposed to do in a SHTF situation just wondering. :confused:
Consolidate with others in the same position and establish a well concealed, defensible position. Make sure you have escape routes. A group of citizens armed with Glocks, pump shotguns and lever-action 30-30s may not be able to beat an invading army in a stand up fight, but they can evade to stay alive and conduct guerrilla warfare. Adapt, improvise, overcome.
Your brain is your best weapon. If you are totally overwhelmed by superior force you will have to go passive to survive. Some will survive whether in the depths of the woods or the concrete jungle of the big city. One who thinks like a feral cat will eat wherever they are.

Regardless of the magnitude of the situation, whether made by man or natural, historically there have been survivors. Ground zero of a neucular blast being an exception.

Just my 2 cents''s a damn big country out there. Just how many divisions does one need to cover even one state the size of Montana or Texas? One can't have all the assets needed in place everywhere at once. In WWII, the Balkans kept about a dozen despersately needed German divisions tied up there quelling guerillas, and not even France was completely under the jackboot (Vercors, 1944). The guerilla does not hold ground, nor engage overwhelming forces. First one the scene will probably be an infantry or wheeled patrol, which can be hammered good with battle rifles from beyond the effective range of their assault rifles. In the time it takes the invader to bring up armor, air and artillery, the guerillas slip away to fight another day.
The overall best long-term survival trait is having skills which are useful to others. Auto mechanics. Small engine repair. Farming/gardening. Medicine and dentistry. EMS knowledge. Folks with these sorts of knowledge will be protected within a community.

Personal: Get that unneeded appendectomy now; you might not be able to have the operation later, if needed. Make sure your dental work is all caught up. Have extra pairs of eyeglasses.

Read Mel Tappan's books. They're still valid.

The biggest problem would be the first month or so, and your immediate needs would depend on your location and circumstances, not to mention luck.

With all that said, I still think the probabilities are extremely low. My own opinion is that a worst-case scenario would be along the lines of an expanded LA Riot, but not nationwide.
