Showdown...what do you do? (terms?)


If you ever had a chance to do a stand-up fight (handgun to handgun) and you were drawing from holster against an evenly matched opponent, what is your preference (in terms)?

In my days, it was "slap leather." or simply "draw!"
In the movies, it later became "draw down!"

In movies like "Tombstone" it was "Pull that smoke wagon."

What is your favorite phrase for drawing your handgun?
I would be following the suggestions from the director, and the camera man. I always wanted to be in the movies. Personally I always liked the Duke's admonishment to Ned Pepper : "fill yer hands you son of a bitch!"
whimper, cry, wet myself, and as my opponent turns away in utter contempt and disgust........ shoot him in the back.
I'd shout "boiled yams in mustard!" in a firm clear voice. Then, while he was puzzling over what I meant, the nanotech-enhanced guard weasels would spring on him from behind.
You guys are cool

Hehh, hehh, hehhh,
You guys crack me up. As I was posting this, I thought in real life and death situations, why are we supposed to fight fairly (as in a stand up fight? when the BG can shoot us from the back, run multiple BG's against us, have better guns than us, etc, etc...?

In the police action in 'Nam, I learned to shoot from ambush, after setting off the Claymores, call in the artillery and the cavalry to blow the VC to dust. All too often that was how we survived.

Oh well, welcome back to civilization. I guess that's why I've been learning to draw quickly....fair is fair, right?:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I just remember that its tougher to hit a moving target so I'd be running as whatever else happened, happened. Who in thier right mind is gonna stand there and exchange shots with somebody like that. Oh - and I'm not gonna say a thing - let him try speed up his reaction to beat my action.

That is, unless you know he truely is your equal at marksmanship and you know that YOU could never hit him at that range. Then if ya wanna stand there and trade potshots, fine. The loser will probably get a Darwin Award nomination...
What would I say? Well, it would go along the lines of [censored as this is a family board. Let's just say it involves feces, prayers to buzz's deity of choice, followed by something involving holy feces involved in fornication, and more prayers].
real life? do not know, would have to be there.
favorite from the movies? clint eastwood with both arms full of groceries rounds the corner to see three union soldiers standing there, says well.....are you going to draw those hawglegs or whistle dixie?
Perhaps, when a situation like this will happen, may just the best man win "where his training in that particular monent will count".

Thats why I always train to shoot one bullet in a mag from hoslter that the gun is in condition 2. That way I can train myself to draw a gun from holster which I need to rack, can aim it well on my target and pull the trigger at the same time. This basic training perhaps can make me faster and aim it correctly in an adverse situation.
Fave phrase? Easy--DON'T!!!

Amen, brotha!

My acquaintances who know I have a gun or two are always trying to figure out what gun I'm going to use, what tactics I will employ, etc. etc. etc. when the people who really know me know that I won't be showing up in the first place :D
Looks like I never answered the original question..I hate it when people do that to me, so I guess I like 'Fill Yer Hands' but it takes too long. 'Do ya feel lucky...' is cool too...

The only showdown I plan to be in is a duel between me and my tactical banjo against some gitt-tarr picker. Banjos always win.

But going back to Sensei KS Freeman's point of Not Being There, as Alison Krauss would say, "You say it best when you say nothin' at all".