BOTH of my senators are domestic enemies of the United States.
(Byrd-brain & Rocke-Smeller)
The bright side of the equation is that Shelly Moore Capito is my
House representative, and demonstrates a fairness with regards to
legal gun owners.
I contact her office frequently (probably once a month) to submit a
'Report Card' on her performance.
I did have to admonish her on a 'NAY' vote she cast on the HR to have the US pull out of the US-Enemy organization known as the UN.
I can forgive the occasional blunder, however her failure to protect the
US from the UN brings her down to a 'D minus'.... passing but barely.
It will all be a moot point however if my hopes and prayers for a crater left behind from the UN Building explosion surpassing the one left behind 911
are answered.
DONE - this is beauteous how cheap and easy this is these days, what with free long distance on my mobile phone.
"Can I help you?"
"I'm calling to thank the Congressman for allowing the sunset of the unconstitutional Homeland Defense Rifle Ban, misleadingly called the 'assault weapons ban' ".
"OK, I'll pass it along; thank you for your call"
Let's do it everyone!
Here's where to look to contact your critters directly:
Did that Tuesday A.M. Don't forget the House side.
Actually, assuming that people on this site likely contacct their elected things at least now and then, sometimes to criticize, when they "get it right", a thank you is definately in order.