Shout out to Ruger


New member
I recently picked up a used Redhawk and while replacing the main spring with a Wolff spring I managed to lose the pawl plunger and spring. Called them up Monday morning and the parts were in my mailbox last night, no charge. Granted those are probably less than $5 in parts, but I like to acknowledge good service when I get it.

Took the Redhawk to the range today and after some sight adjustments I was very happy with it. The stock grips felt good to me. I was a bit worried as this is the only magnum that I've shot with wood grips. I have a GP 100 with the stock rubber and wood, and a buddy has a S&W 629 with the Pachmayr presentation grips but they kill the webbing of my thumb. Maybe the rubber is just old and stiff on his grips, but I'll take the wood Redhawk grips all day.
I was almost in the same boat as you. While performing the same task, I lost the same spring twice in my cluttered garage. By pure miracle, I found it both times. Then I rembered an old trick of assembling small parts with springs inside a clear bag. Sure enough, the same spring shot out 3 more times, before I finally got it all back together, but fortunately it stayed in the bag each time. Glad to hear it all worked out. On another good Ruger note, my Wife dropped her Ruger Single Ten and broke the front fiber optic site. I called Ruger and told them what happened and that I needed to order another. I expected to pay, but they sent it free of charge. They are a class act in my opinion.
Good folks there in S&W's CS dept. I've used them half a dozen times in 62 years of shooting..mostly for custom work, and only twice for malfunctioning guns and in both cases, they sent me a return label and the fix was on their dime. Rod
I do most of my spring tossing on the family room coffee table. Found several with a large speaker magnet I keep around for such purposes. The plastic bag works much faster though.
I did employee the plastic bag trick when I installed the new parts. Of course I didn't have any problems the second time around and knew to hold the trigger forward as I installed everything back in the gun. :)
Just sent mine in for repairs as the cylinder locked up with factory ammo. Ruger just called and said they are sending a brand new gun at no charge as it was defective. Amazing
Good Morning Dan,

I am emailing you in regards to the super Red hawk serial number —- that was sent in for services. The technician has evaluated this firearm and found it to be beyond repair. As a gesture of good will we are offering to replace the firearm with the same model at no charge. Please note if you accept this offer the original firearm will be scrapped and the replacement will have to be sent to a dealer of your choice. Please contact myself at your earliest opportunity with the acceptance or decline of this offer.

Please be aware our company does have a 7-day return policy. If we do not receive a response within the next 7 business days the firearm will be returned without services.

Thank you
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I first saw the plastic bag technique watching an asbestos abatement crew remove asbestos from larger plumbing fittings. Great idea I thought and have used it a few times.
As a gesture of good will we are offering to replace the firearm with the same model at no charge. Please note if you accept this offer the original firearm will be scrapped and the replacement will have to be sent to a dealer of your choice.

Ruger will reimburse you for the FFL transfer if you send them a copy of receipt. They probably won't tell you that unless you ask them.

Speaking of bags, I use plastic grocery bags when running a solvent soaked brush through handgun barrels. It's great for containing the spray that gets flicked off the brush when it exits the barrel.
Ruger has always had wonderful customer service. I have used it a few times. Another company that surprised me with wonderful customer service is Kel Tec. I bought a used Sub 2000 at a gun show and found out the previous owner had ruined the gun by using aluminum cased ammo. Kel Tec rebuilt the gun at no cost.