Shoulder holster at Winter Olympics sends gun control advocates atwitter

Simon wore a shoulder holster as part of the James Bond Skyfall themed routine.

Here I thought they were doing a Bonnie and Clyde thing. I thought to myself there'd be some flak when I saw the holster when they went onto the ice. But I figured it would be because it was a cheap nylon one and not a good lookin' leather piece...........:D
People like that will get bent out of shape over anything. I think the comment about it not representing America very well is a little bit ironic. It's not like the U.S. doesn't have the largest population of gun owners or anything like Either way, I highly doubt this was a political statement, but if it was, good on them.
Coverage of the shooting disciplines can be a little sparse. As such, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the people complaining are not aware of these competitions. If they can't handle an empty holster, imagine how they'll react to an actual firearm. :rolleyes:

NBC did cover the Men's 10k Sprint Biathlon. That was pretty cool. :cool:
Personal memory, 2 years back.

South Korean air base. Enhanced security status, during annual war games. Squadron commander with shoulder holster.

But security was not enhanced enough for actually carrying side-arms. The Col. just carried his cell phone there. I think he had the fastest answer in S. Korea. :p

Bart Noir
Yeah, thread got hijacked. So snarl at me, I can take a lot of it. Over the internet.
I don't twitter or Facebook but I love the mock outrage that those media outlets provide to idiots we would otherwise never hear from.

I mean seriously, if the worse thing that happened to you is a figure skater wore an empty holster, you've had a pretty good day.
The current strategy seems to be one of villainizing guns. Advocates of this strategy feign shock and horror at the sight of anything related to a gun and hope it'll start a memetic spread that will make others react negatively as well.

Really, it's the same thing as excoriating a Pop Tart chewed into the shape of a gun, or a no-guns sign that bears the image of a pistol.
Ah heck, they'll probably make it a rule you have to use powderless all copper bullet ammo for biathlon next time!
Eventually saying the word "gun" will be a no-no. Like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. All we can do is write, email, call and post. We are outnumbered. The majority of the world is against us, much less our own hypocrites that enjoy freedom today.
Some years ago I broke an idiot's brain when I told him that there are shooting sports in the summer Olympics. She had no clue.

I made her cry when I told her that, other than Track and Field, American athletes have won more shooting medals than any other sport.

Well, she didn't cry, but she looked like she wanted to.
Jolly ol England had to set aside their law :) for their winter olymipics. To allow for this shooting.

Strangely no one was injured....
Almost 50 years ago, when I was a very young Lieutenant in the U.S. Army stationed at a large Army hospital out West I was assigned, as an additional duty, the role of Provost Marshal and command of our small (20 man) military police detachment. (For what it is worth, I was a Medical Service Corps officer with no training or experience in law enforcement, but the MP branch in Washington was so pressed for MP officers due to Vietnam requirements that they could not fill the slot at our hospital). The Commanding General called me in one day and asked if it were true that my MP's carried loaded weapons, even when they had to enter the hospital itself. When I told him that this was correct, he "suggested" that I consider having them remove the magazine from their 45acp auto and leave the gun unloaded in their holsters. Being a young and inexperienced officer I took his suggestion to be just that, a suggestion and not an order, and I never directed my MP's to unload their service weapons while on duty. I'm convinced that this General and probably others in the command never realized that their MP's were actually carrying loaded weapons, but I knew, and I wanted it that way.