Should I


The gun on the right is a S&W breech loader(break action) .38 that my brother found in a pawn shop ... was able to get a great deal on the gun.

Question is should I have the finish re-done or leave it as it is? I was told by some to leave it alone ... value would increase even though it's condition(finish) isn't what it should be, others say re-doing the nickel plating (finish) would improve the value.

It shoots just fine ... just isn't "pretty":D

The gun on the left is an H&R 22 long pistol that I search all over to find for my father, which I inherited when he passed away a couple years ago.
well if its a collectible leave the finish alone....

If its going to be a shooter..... then a refinish depending on the cost would not be out of the question. Dont want to put a $200.00 finish on a $75.00 gun.
I'd leave it alone until a collector offered me a bunch of money for it..there are some great guns out there that are worth alot less money than what they could be worth because they were refinished
BTW, you can click on the pictures to make them larger.

Leaving it alone is kinda the way I'm leaning ... just keep it clean, etc.
Normally, my advice on any collectible is to leave it alone. But if what I am seeing is what is there, that S&W is not just worn but rusted as well. IF I could find someone willing to tackle the polish and bluing, I would have it reblued. I don't know what a "great deal" means in dollars, but the gun looks like a .38 Double Action Third Model, and those are pretty common guns. In excellent condition they only bring $300 or so, and in that condition about $100 or less. In other words, if you want a better looking gun, you will not destroy a valuable collectors item by having it reblued.

If you choose to keep it as is, at least use some decent penetrant (I use G96 Gun Treatment for such cases) to kill the active rust. Don't tear the gun down as it should not be necessary for cleaning and spraying on rust inhibitor.

If you decide to tear it all apart, don't ask me how to re-assemble it, as the process is about impossible to describe. Also, if you choose to shoot it, be aware that those guns are somewhat fragile and parts are no longer available.

Considering I paid much less than $100 for it, it would be worth re-blueing. Didn't know how common or how rare it was ... bought it because it was different and I liked it.

Do you need more info or pictures to determine if it is indeed the gun you think it is?