Should I?


New member
My Dad just gave me a pistol that he carried home from Germany after WWII. He said that it was called a Muegar, or Suegar anyway something like that. He even knew the name of the German Soldier that he got it from. A guy by the of Boreing, or Doreing, maybe it was Koreing. Anyway, Dad said that he was kind of a heavy build kind of guy. Well, I took the gun to my dealer, who I might add is just some kind of guy! I'd trust him with my check book with all the blank checks signed. I'd trust him with all my credit cards. I'd let him stay at my house with my wife while I was away on business trips. You get the picture? The only other guy that I would even remotely put in the same class as him, would be the Lawyer down on the corner. Enough said about this Saint of a man. Anyway, my dealer said that because I was such a good friend and customer, he could take it of my hands for $50. But only in on a trade. He said that it was so old, and they don't even make them anymore. It must have been some prototype that didn't make it into production cause the serial no. was so low. And all that engraving took any value it might have had away from it because the gun wasn't in it's original condition. Also the cheap, plastic immitation ivoy grips didn't help either. They were this ugly yellow color with a whole bunch of little cracks all through them. I've got $500 that I won on a lottery ticket and with the $50 added, I've got my eye on a cute little Jennings J-22. It's almost new too! While I was looking at it the firing pin feel out of it, but my dealer said it could be fixed real easy with some JB Weld or Super Glue. He's even going to through in an Uncle Mikes holster for nothing extra! This just seems like to good a deal to pass up! What do ya think guys, should I go for it?

Proud,dues paying,member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"
TOP: know as well as I that Germans can't make any small arms worth s*%t.


PS: You a retired E8?
Obviously your dealer is trying to rip you off. I'll give you a fair price or trade you straight across for a slightly used Beretta Tomcat.
I smell a rat. $550 and you want to buy a Jenning J-22? And your gun dealer tells you to fix it with Superglue or JB Weld? And a lawyer you can trust on the corner? Get me my hip waders, Hon, I smell a big ol' pile of manure!
Tell ya what TK, I'll better his price by $20 & even pay the freight to Aus !
Boy aren't those J-22's a sweet shooter, you can hit 8" plates at 10' as fast as you can Tap Rack "Piece of $h!t, work ya b@$tard" Bang !
Uncle Mike huh ?
He have a Sister, that goes by the name of Huffy ?

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Nice try Topkick! You get an A for creative humor but an elephant for thinking we be so gullible. The lawyer gave you away. hehehe
So what ya gonna do???

Quick! Anybody close enough to Topkick to slap him across the face a couple of times? The lad's hopped up on goofballs . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
TOPKICK, I have heard the history of that particular gun and it was a Buger owned by Herr Soaring, a Luftwaffe air ace. Everybody knows they never used their handguns, so you don't even know if it works at all.

Caution, I think the gun dealer and the people here are trying to hoodwink you. So, I'll give you $35 Canadian, and throw in a Davis 32ACP. The Davis is a much better gun than the Jennings. It will fire at the same rate Babe Ruth got hits - his average was around 300, and everybody knows how good he was. You can't pass this up, I have several others who want the Davis, but I'm saving it just for you. If you call within the next 2 hours, I'll also throw in a Popeil pocket fisherman that works just as well as the Davis. Hurry, operators are standing by.
Stay tuned for more on the exciting saga of the Jennings J-22! :)

Proud,dues paying,member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"

I own one of those piece of crap Jennings J-22's. Mine is pretty reliable (I fired 50 rounds last saturday through it). I bought it new in 90' or 91' for $60.00 and consitering I can get $50.00 for it at a gun buy back, I think I got a good deal!!

I don't carry it (anymore) though.
