Should I switch to Conicals in .44 cap & balls?


New member
I'm looking into a new Lee mold since my old .457 ball mold has had it. I will probably go to .454 since the .457 have always loaded hard.
I'm wondering if I should just make the switch to conicals. I'm checking out this: " more energy and far greater accuracy than round balls" is this true? I'd like to improve accuracy, who wouldn't:D
All I've ever shot is round balls and never gave conicals a thought until now. It'd be good to hear from those of you who shoot them. Pros/Cons,
Roundball vs. Conical
Me too, I might just have to try it out for myself. I'm guessing .456 would be the choice for Dragoons and Walkers. I can't imagine how they wouldn't improve accuracy.
I have a Lee Conical mold for .36 cal revolvers that is more than 30 years old. The Lee conicals have always grouped better than balls in my 1851 Navy. They fit a bit snugger in the cylinder and don't shift under recoil. It is getting tougher to find pure lead, however, for casting.
I bought a roll of chimney flashing a few years ago and it seems to never run out. Not sure about the price now though, metals are way up! I might have to get out the metal detector and recover all those lead balls.
in my old euroarms navy, the conical seemed to destroy targets better. the round balls were more accurate. bobn
If you currently have your revolver shooting to point of aim with round balls, you will experience a higher point of impact when you switch to conicals.
Since you mentioned .457" balls, I assume you're shooting a Ruger Old Army. I have seven ROA's and all of them shoot notably better groups with round balls than with conicals.
I also find the round balls a lot more accurate. A while ago I put out a threat
"conicals suck". Still think that is true ;)
Conicals are what the military used back in the day. I've been tempted to try them but keep puttin it off.
I'll stick to balls in the "cap and balls" I guess. Everything I've read so far say's they're more accurate, plus, if they raise the point of impact, my walker will be shooting a foot high. I have some more shooting to do, but so far I'm considering notching the hammer more.
I use .457 ball in the Dragoon and Walker, but will most likely switch to .454. The last batch I cast in .457 load too hard since I melted some old birdshot in the mix. I'll stick to pure lead from now on and .454 as long as they still shave a little lead.
switching from round balls is not worth the trouble, unless you really enjoy standing there casting lead. Hornaday sells excellent round balls in a variety of sizes. They shoot straight over cap n ball distances.