Should I or should I not?


New member
I have a dilemma. I am really pining for a 1911. The only way I can afford one is to trade my Chiappa rhino 40ds. Should I or should I not?
I'm going to just answer your question, nothing more or less. (unless you PM me for my $0.02)

I think you should. But what's the 1911?

I can't even begin to start a list of the guns I've traded for other guns.
You are the only one who can make that call. Unless someone else really wants your Rhino, you will most likely loose on the deal similar to trading-in a car. Maybe sell, then shop for a 1911 and get only what you want so as not to put yourself in the same predicament again.
Rhinos go for close to $900 in my area, and I only know of 1 place that has them in stock. Might be the cause of the price. However, sounds like you are looking for a "name brand" 1911 if my pricing holds true. I can understand that. I often think of selling something to get something else. Question you should be asking is, will I miss the Rhino? You shot it much? Does it hold some other value for you? Does it stay in the safe and never make its way out except to show off my "cool" gun? If most of your answers are "no" than don't, but if most of your answers are "yes" than you should think a bit more and make a decision. Than try to not regret it.:(

I do second Nathan's idea. I recently bought a RIA 1911. The fit is well beyond what I expected from a $450 pistol. Seems to have a better fit than most "name brand" 1911s in have handeled in the past. This may be a great idea so you can keep that Rhino.

Good luck with the decision.
Thanks for the replies and thoughts. To answer a couple of questions I would probably miss my rhino but be glad I had a 1911 both. Regarding what kind/brand, i was thinking Springfield, ria, or I hear the Taurus is good for the price.
Yes. You should absolutely trade that Rhino for a 1911. Unless trading down to a Taurus (flame suit on!).

Sgt Lumpy
Keep the Rhino.

Save up for the 1911. (Save hard.)

Springfield Range Officer would be my choice for a 1911 unless you want one for concealed carry...then I've got other advice for you.
I can't even begin to start a list of the guns I've traded for other guns.
Me too.

Unless youre very well off, its really the only way to get to play with as much as you can, when the urge hits (Im OCD when it comes to guns and urges :D).

If you "really" like and have to have the Rhino, then keep it and start saving. If the Rhino is no longer floating your boat, throw it overboard and move on.

Just a suggestion here if you do decide to get rid of it. Dont trade it, youll just take a beating. Sell it on consignment, youll make out a lot better.
If I don't have any particular attachment to a gun ill sell it for something else I want, have done it a number of times. Although if you really like your Rhino, and would actually plan on getting another sometime down the road, don't bother selling it and just wait and save up for the 1911. The way I look at it, if you really do like your Rhino and would regret selling it, it is not a gun you can just walk into any gun shop and buy, where as I can walk into any gunshop and pick up a 1911.
Guys I have to say I am leaning toward keeping my rhino and saving up for a1911( until the next time at the lgs and I see 1911 goodness that is!). How do you guys save up for your next gun? Do you have a certain method? Do you do things to make extra $?
Get a 3 gallon or 5 gallon water bottle. Every night toss all of your change into it. When you can, toss in a $5, $10 or $20. You'd be surprised how fast it adds up if you do it every day. If you can toss a $20 a week into it with the change it won;t take long at all.
larryh1108 has an excellent suggestion. The cash fill up fast. (and you're making the right decision keeping the Rhino and saving for a 1911).
If it's a dilemma, that suggests it's not an easy decision for you and that suggests that you like your Rhino.

Never sell a gun you like if you don't absolutely have to.
I agree, keep the Rhino if you like and shoot it. Save for a 1911. Get a Colt for your first one, if you can afford it. If not get a RIA tactical.

If you aren't totally happy with the rhino, then sell it and put the money towards your Colt. The Colt will hold it's value.
How do you guys save up for your next gun? Do you have a certain method? Do you do things to make extra $?

I have a gun fund jar that I toss change into, loose dollar bills, and every now and then some bigger bills. When I have 2/3 of the price of the gun saved up I put it on layaway and pay off the rest little by little.
My change jar is filling nicely, about a dollar a day, sometimes two or three dollars.

You should be able to find a nice Colt 1911 at a show, the Series 70 is the best.

I'd keep the Rhino. The rule is to not sell a gun unless you want to, or have to. You don't want to, clearly.
I have a gun fund jar that I toss change into, loose dollar bills, and every now and then some bigger bills.

It wouldn't work for me... I can't remember the last time I paid cash for anything, so there is no change. I was thinking that I should put aside the cash back rewards from my credit card... that would be a fair amount of money. I just cashed in $50+ in points yesterday.