Should I keep it


New member
I got a deal on a Hungarian Mosin M44 for $75(go for 150+ around here) that I couldn't pass it up. I had a M38 that I liked but didn't have much opportunity to shoot it after I moved to south fl because only 1 local range is outdoors and 100yds(hate that range too). I am on a strict firearms budget(thanks honey :rolleyes:) so if I sell it would be to fund some small pistol primers(down to about 2000).

keep it
Obviously fun to shoot because of the huge fireballs/noise/cheap ammo. If I want to get into hunting(mostly boar hunters around here) I will have something to hunt with although i wouldnt dare shoot this without hearing protection.

sell it
It will get shot maybe once every couple months.
I started shooting USPSA and I might run really low on SPP for awhile.
I like the M44 but I liked the M38 much better(dont like the extra weight of the bayo).
My first "deal" that i could make a little cash on or keep and brag about how cheap it was..
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they're right. NEVER SELL! An m44 is a STAPLE for a collection! DO NOT SELL! You gain 150 bucks. THen what. Then you wish you had it back, then m44's are 300 bucks. KEEP IT
Keep it, you can figure out how to save a little money for primers. I have only gotten rid of one gun that I don't regret, I quit selling/trading several years ago and am very happy w/my decision.
My $.02 -

It will get shot maybe once every couple months.

No opinion on this, other than I have rifles that have gone years between shootings.

I started shooting USPSA and I might run really low on SPP for awhile.

I wouldn't sell a tangible thing for something consumable. The day will come when you'll have neither the rifle nor the ammo you swapped the rifle for.

I like the M44 but I liked the M38 much better(dont like the extra weight of the bayo).

Bird-in-the-hand syndrome. M44s are rare enough these days. M38s are almost non-existent (and therefore much more expensive).

My first "deal" that i could make a little cash on or keep and brag about how cheap it was..

...and you'll spend the cash and again have neither. For me, it's better to bring out the rifle than to trot out some story about "the deal of a lifetime."
Keep it. It's a nice condition M44, right? You'll triple your money in a few years.

Rule No. 1 is not to sell good stuff. And don't sell good stuff for stuff you use up. Soon you'll not have either one.
As long as you clean the corrosive primer residue from the bore Each Time after returning home, keep it.

Most MN 44s are Russian, and if you can make bullets group in a way that you enjoy, it can be worth keeping.
A nice Hungarian or Polish 44 is fairly unique.

A friend has a Hungarian MN 44 and Czech 8mm Mauser: both are very attractive rifles and uncommon. That's an interesting pair.
only 1 local range is outdoors and 100yds(hate that range too).

LOL!! It's gotta be either Tamiami or Markham Park.

By the time I left south FL in '89, I either had to shoot on gated land by the levee west of 27 in Broward with cop friends of mine, or drive 70 miles one way to shoot in the 'glades waaaaaay down in south Dade.

Keep the rifle; You may escape south FL one of these days
I *(gasp)* sold mine a while ago (well, traded it in for help with my 590A1:D). It was an Izzy '44, nothing special about it- except for the fact that you practically hit the target in the other lane at 50 yards with they bayonet folded. I didn't like guessing where the rounds were going to end up, and (for me) that's the sole purpose of owning a firearm- is to be able to put rounds on target where you intend them to be, regardless on how old it is. My '43 91/30 PU sniper does wonders at 100 yards, something that M44 had a tough time doing reliably.

Plus, I picked up a '34 Tula hex receiver, bright bore (non CAI import) with a laminated stock (For 75 BUCKS!!!!!!:D:D:D). It shoots well, so I don't miss the '44 one bit. If I want to get another, I have not problem shellin' out for an M38 later.
Plus, I picked up a '34 Tula hex receiver, bright bore (non CAI import) with a laminated stock (For 75 BUCKS!!!!!!). It shoots well, so I don't miss the '44 one bit. If I want to get another, I have not problem shellin' out for an M38 later.

When did you get it?

I cannot comment on whether I will keep it or not but its here now..:)
I picked it up about two years ago (?) on Gunbroker. Tot tell you the truth- if you have the space in the safe to keep it, keep it. I really didn't get much money for it; I traded mine in because I was a (somewhat) broke college student at the time. I feel I have moved on to other pastures which contain collectibles of their own as well :rolleyes: