I have about a dozen shotguns at this moment in time. None of them are pgo. However, I have used pgo shotguns extensively since I have the luxury of my own range and hunting opportunities at the family ranch. I have literally hundreds of rounds through them at both targets and game (varmints). I can easily hit center mass on silhouette targets virtually every shot at 10 yards. Is a pgo shotgun as controlable or versatile as a full-stocked gun? Of course not! Has anyone said they are? Didn't think so, and neither have I (re-read the 1st two sentences above.) Can pgo shotguns be used effectively at typical HD/SD ranges? Of course they can! This is a ridiculous argument and I guess I'm as guilty of indulging in it as anyone. As the man said, if you don't like them, or don't have a use for them, don't use them. That should be understandable to even the most anti-pgo poster. But to imply that no one could possibly be proficient with one, or that there aren't people who know exactly what they are, drawbacks and all, and still know how to use them effectively, is monumentally ignorant. BTW, my brother shot and killed a 200 lb. hog with a pgo shotun, 000 Buck, maybe a month ago, at about 40 ft. Why? It's what he had in the truck as he was out looking for a sick calf, and hogs are vermin down here in S. Texas.