Shotguns from WilsonCombat?


New member
Wilson Combat bought Scattergun Technologies. Anyone have any experience with their guns? After beating my shoulder up with my 870 at LFI-2, I'm lusting after a tricked-out 1187...

Speaking of modified 870 and 11-87s in general whether from WilsonCombat or Vang Comp, A modified 870 is an absolute dream to use. You could easily shoot a weekend class and have no problem. I bought an 870 and could not shoot it more than 10 times before losing interest in it. Sent it to Vang for the works and now love it. I'm sure a Scat. Tech. 870 would be similar. I also have an 11-87 done by Vang. It is deinitely sensitive to low power shells. If you get an 11-87 done by Wilson, I would not have the ports put in the barrel. Actually, a stock standard 11-87 is pretty easy on recoil as it is. The biggest benefit of a modified 11-87 to me is the improved patterning of a simple 18" cylinder bore barrel. You may be able to achieve satisfactory patterns with a stock 11-87 and a barrel with screw in chokes. Back to your original question, I have not used a shotgun rebuilt by Wilson, but I have bought and used many of the Scat. Tech. products and they are all good quality and function.
Guys, never heard a bad thing about Vang, but....

Firing a standard 870 with a few addons shouldn't hurt. Like sex,if it hurts you're doing it wrong.Form,followed by stock fit, are the most likely culprits here.

My HD 870 with the mag extension, peep, SS, fender skirts and fuzzy dice weighs about 9 1/2 lbs. Duty load is either Federal or Winchester 00, 9 pellets. WHAT kick?

Technology cannot substitute for expertise.

IMO, you'd be better served with more ammo and range time. If you reach a plateau where only equipment upgrades can improve your effectiveness, Huzzah! At that point, you're truly dangerous, with or w/o the mods and addons.

This isn't a dump on Wilson, Vang, or thee. But it's been my experience that someone spending more on mods and addons than ammo and range fees needs to reprioritize.

BTW, I taught firearms to hundreds of Correctional Officers, and the only shotgun sports I've missed I know of is the European driven shoots...

Thanks for your post. First, my 870 has no add-ons, so it is nowhere near 9 1/2 lbs. Second, regarding form, I was instructed at LFI-2. The instructors worked closely with us to get correct form. Nevertheless, shooting a stock 870 express from the weak shoulder hurts. It's better from the strong shoulder, but still a pretty decent kick.

I fired 100 rounds of full-power Federal slugs (2 3/4 in., not 3" magnums), not the reduced recoil variety. Also 20 rounds of 00 buck.

Regarding range time, I belong to two different gun clubs. I spend plenty of time on the range.

Jared- If your 870 had a lengthened forcing cone or the Vang or Scat Tech mods to the barrel only, those 120 rounds would be nothing but fun and you would be ready for more. I will have to agree that some of the mods to the receiver such as refinnishing, tritium sites, polishing trigger group parts, etc. are not needed, but you can send off just your barrel only to be reconfigured to significantly reduce the recoil of anything you shoot in it.
I just went through a 2 day shotgun class with an 870 and had no shoulder problems. We shot around 300 rds of 00 buck + 50 rds of maximum Hi-shok slug. Form is everything, in addition to stock fit and NOT using 3" cartridges. The scattergun tech 870s in the class were nice looking guns but did'nt pattern as well as my Vang (no ports).
Never fired a reduced recoil buck load in my life, Jared. IME, riot bbled 870s w/o bells and whistles run from 6lbs 10 oz to 7 lbs, 4 oz. And they will let you know when they go off.

Add a little weight, a 2 rd mag extension runs about 7 oz, and see how it feels. A couple of oz of weight under the recoil pad will keep things balanced, as important in a Social shotgun as a sporting arm.

I do like the lengthened forcing cone and recommend it,but regard the big advantage as better patterns, not less kick.

People really vary as to how much kick bothers them, and size or gender has little to do with it. Seen elf sized females fire heavy loads with aplomb, and big guys build flinches in minutes that will take years to overcome.

And LFI has a great reputation,I must assume their instructors are fecally cognizant.
Some of our K-9's (the handlers) use Scattergun built shotguns. I have some Scattergun parts on my 870 along with work by Robar. I can recommend both for the quality of the parts and the work.

"Some of our K-9's (the handlers) use Scattergun built shotguns."

Glad you clarified that. For a moment there, I thought you had some really well trained dogs :D

Just bought a used Scattergun Tech TR-870 gun three weeks ago. Older model still built by old company. Took a lot of cleaning to make it new. Guy was raising funds to buy an engagement ring. Don't know where his priorities are? :confused: The action, accuracy and recoil management are a dream. The gun is a little heavier than most 870s. It will be my home defense and USPSA Three Gun shotgun. I would guess its weight at 9.5lbs.

[This message has been edited by Ned Roundtree (edited August 29, 2000).]
Jared - With this crowd I figured I had better make that distinction :)
On a side note - Wilson pins/epoxy's the front sight and Robar will silver solder it.
If you can find a beater 870, Wilson offers a nice package deal on refurbishing the gun.
