Shotguns For Home Defense


I was wondering if anyone out there could tell me if for home defense with shotguns if birdshot would be just as good as double odd buck, and if so which pellet size would be the best. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated!

FWIW: #8 shot will blow a large hole (1-4") in 3/4" plywood up to 5 yards away, and penetration drops off VERY quickly after that point. 00 buck, on the other hand, makes 9 through-and-through holes well past 10 yards. The question then is how concerned you are about possible innocents on the other side of the target or walls; a bachelor in the country doesn't worry about over-penetration of walls as much as an apartment-dweller with kids.
You can spend hours into days reading threads on this in the shotgun forum.

Living in a thin-walled condo apartment with a small child, I keep my 20 ga. with 6 or 7 1/2 birdshot. I think at <20', it'll hit like a slug but expend it's energy to not over penetrate.

By the way, the expression is "double-aught", aught being an old english way of saying 'zero'.