Shotgun suggestions for CAS

six 4 sure

New member
I'm wanting to get into CAS, and I am having some problems deciding what kind of shotgun I should pick.
I'd really like to go with a double barrel, but I'm not sure what's available.
I've seen the EAA's they seem nice and they're cheap, but are they any good?
Is there any advantage the double has over the pump gun? Or is it just personal preference.

Now here we have the mining man, in either hand a gun.
He is not afraid of anyting, and he's never know a run,
He dearly loves his whiskey, and he dearly loves his beer.
He's a shooting, fighting, dynamiting, mining engineer.
IGA also makes a side by side. It's imported by Stoeger. If you look around, you might be able to find a used Rossi coach gun, with genuine external hammers. <drool>

I have the IGA, so I can't comment on the EAA, but for a play gun (and that's all my IGA is), it's perfectly good. The triggers have a LOT of creep (double action shotgun?), but they're fine for CAS.

SASS rules limit the pumps to 2 rounds, so from my POV, any advantage lies in how fast you can reload it. Some of the more serious competitors hone the chambers of their doubles slightly oversize, so the hulls fall right out. They seem to be on par with the pump shooters. Those of us who have to claw the empties out of our doubles seem to be at a disadvantage.

Since I'm lazy, the big advantage of a double for me is easy cleaning. Couple of passes with a bore snake and it's done.

Keep in mind, not just any pump will do. It has to have an external hammer, and this means the 1897 (I think) Winchester. I've never priced these.

Before you commit to either type, you should make contact with your local group. There will always be someone willing to share guns for a match, provided you supply your own (factory) ammo.

I have an IGA Stoeger and a Winchester '97 pump. As to which is faster-it depends on the shooter. A double is a heck of a lot more reliable. You should start with a double and practice loading it,as this is where a lot of time is spent on a stage. The shooter who's efficient with the shotgun will beat the other guy who's not.

A lot of folks shoot Stoegers. I see a lot of the newer shooters with EAA Bounty Hunters,but I've never shot one. Any new double you get will benefit from an action job.

Bellicose Bill
Thanks for the info. I'll have to keep my eye out for a Stoeger. I almost bought a "project" winchester 97 a few months ago, instead I bought a "project" Jeep. I'm begining to think I chose poorly.

Now here we have the mining man, in either hand a gun.
He is not afraid of anything, and he's never know a run,
He dearly loves his whiskey, and he dearly loves his beer.
He's a shooting, fighting, dynamiting, mining engineer.
Marlin also made a whole slew of models of hammer pump shotguns. I've been sort of off and on looking for one for a while now. They are all basically variations of the 1893. These variations were made up into the 1940s IIRC so there are quite a few out there. I've started seeing some Marlins at our monthly matches also. Parts can be hard to find though.
Howdy Fal,

I guess you know that Marlin recommends against shooting their hammer pumps. A lot of folks poo-poo that advice as Marlin covering their behinds. The reasoning behind the warning is that the bolt is locked with a small pin,and if that pin breaks,then the bolt would be sent right back into the face of the shooter. That said,I know a few folks that shoot these,as well. If you do get one,have it checked out by a competent gunsmith.

Bellicose Bill
I also have both IGA sxs in 20 gauge and 97 Winchester pump. Both are good. SXS is easier for a new cowboy unless you are familar with pump and can find reliable 97 Winchester. I like both.