Shotgun Stance


New member
Just got a Mossy 590A1. Shot 25, 00 at the range. New to shotguns! Glock & Beretta man.
So.. I tried standing perpendiculatr with the target and the gun across my chest. My bicept is black & blue. Couldn't get it in my shoulder. Need advice. Don't think an isosceles stance would give me stability. Maybe a modified "weaver". Oh well, i'll be back! Thanks.
I think dependng on your physical build or stature everyone sorta has their own stance. Try the modified weaver stance like you mentioned. Body turned more at 40 degrees to target. Knees slighly bend, leaning slightly forward into recoil. Balance is important.Go through several fast drills. From a low ready to tactical position as fast as you can. Positioning of the butt of shotgun is important. Till you find a comfortable position as described. Then do it with live ammo. You will know when butt of shotgun is in wrong place.That your bicep is bruisd tells me you are holding shotgun too far out and at wrong place. And don't place too high, don't want a broken collar bone. Inside your shoulder in the meat of your breast plate below your collar bone. You will have to turn your body more in order to do this and sight the target.

Courage is only fear that has said its prayers.

[This message has been edited by Ned Roundtree (edited January 19, 2000).]
Ned gave good advice, but try this. Stand at 90 degrees to the target, holding the weapon at port arms. Take a small step forward with your weak side foot, and keep the knee bent. Shoulder the weapon deep in the cup formed when you raise your elbow and cheek the stock.At this point you're leaning towards the target, ready to fire and in a position to ride the recoil out.The more you lean into it, the better control you have over the weapon for repeat rounds.

Now practice that until you have it down, then try with ammo.Start with light loads then move up to your defense ammo.

BTW, I taught hundreds of COs to shoot this way....